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  :: Welcome To The CHEEZE!!!:

Welcome to the RPG of CHEEZE!!!

Hey!!! Welcome to the RPG. This is an RPG that is based on video games and many kinds of anime alike. Unfortunately though, we have yet to add in DBZ. Compared to the rest of the characters known, most DBZ characters have an unfair advantage due to super-human abilities that not even most other characters have. Sorry!!! We're working on it though. This RPG is updated as often as it possibly can. As of now it's still in its pre-stages. It'll be updated as much as we can in our spare time. Enough for now, browse around and take a look!!! Thanks!!!

  "Recent News" written by: Squall (Admin) on Date: 06-11-03
99% functional homepage. The links on the left still link to this page though. I'll post here as soon as I get more links up. The poll on the right is a little screwed, I know, I'm still trying to figure out what happened. Also:


This site might be switching to a different server in the near future. Angelfire is sometimes slow, and it only has 20MB of usable space. Bandwidth *MIGHT* be a problem depending on how much traffic I get.

In other news, I will be accepting members as soon as the Members page is up, the Rules page, the Classes page, the Armoury, the Magic Hut, and atleast a couple of the World of Cheeze pages up. Don't worry though, I'm goin as fast as I can. I already dished in 9 hours today to type everything up by hand. Over 1000 friggen lines of coding for this thing!!!

  "New Site! " written by: Squall (Admin) on 06-20-03
Yes, I HAVE been updating lately. In fact, I've been doing a lot of updating. I've finished the rules page. Updated the Members page, updated the Homepage, refined the classes page, fixed all the broken links that I know of, and have already begun working on the "World of cheeze" section, along with starting to work on bringing the Board of Cheeze back. The members in the members page should have their links up to their page within a day or two, or if I some how manage to work with god speed... Maybe even finish them today. :D No worries though, this site is definately coming back together.

  .: Cheeze City News:.

Recent Cheezy News:

.: News Updates :.
New Layout!!!
Members page has been added, but the links for it don't work just yet. Classes page is up and finished aswell.
06-11-03 Cheeze City Reporter:
"Locals say the Cheeze is commin' back!"
.: Info :.
Character Spotlight.
Name: Squall (Admin)
Age: 15
Sex: Male
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