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Black means criminal, arrogant, that attitude, can't speak english, will not speak understandable english, irrational, stupid, biologically stupid, inferior, snap the fingers, head jerking, who dat white gurrr, I hate whitey, who dat white gurrr, i be black, i hate whitey, i sure do likes dem white gurrrrs.

God help us All

White means talented, non criminally, aware, artistic, harmonious, evolving, benevolent, dynamic, intelligent, open minded, non race obcessed, diverse and willing to let the TRASH that runs this country turn it over to the third world GARBAGE that hates whitey so much.

Cap Backward = Human Filth, Human Scum of the Earth

Cap Forward = Just the opposite

Rap = the most godless and destructive form of degernate noise to ever be aried

Parents: Tell the Mass Ghetto Loving Media to GO TO HELL !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Favorite Qualities of Non-Ghetto, i.e. White Music

My Favorite Non-Racist Web Sites

Angelfire Chinese Page
Vector Vihara
Library Without Books

Email:, redone 014       Prosper Behavior

Here is your new cap. Wear it in the way the LORD intended, dumbass..........