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Are Loosing Your Country!

How would you like to wake up some morning, and realize that you are no longer living in America, your country!  I am talking to the LEGAL United States Of America citizens. What ever race you are, "German", "Jew", "Latino", "Arab", "Russian",  etc., etc.,

And why would you realize that you are no longer living in America?  The answer is very, very simple!  America has been  taken over by ILLEGAL immigrants who THIS government allowed to come in illegally!  Our very sick government has for years avoided or put off doing anything tangible to stop the illegal flow of illegal .  And even while there are laws on the books that CAN and COULD control the over running of our borders.

      YOU the LEGAL Americans are being sold out for money!  Big business corporate heads and Big business corporations care more about their greedy selves, then YOU or I or any other American!  And that is the GOD's HONEST TRUTH!     

       MILLIONS of illegal immigrants are pouring over our nations borders every year, and our government is doing NOTHING, NOTHING TO STOP IT!  There are millions of illegal immigrants that are now being supported by YOUR money!  The illegals get FREE housing, FREE food, FREE money, FREE Social Security, FREE Medical coverage, FREE! FREE!  FREE!  It is all FREE, or is it?  The government gives YOUR money away, not theirs!  God forbid, that any politician would dig into their pile of bucks, and give out millions of dollars!  That would never would happen, and hasn't happened.  BUT WE the American citizens, are the ones that MUST and WILL give our money to pay to a government that has lost it's mind, and in turn gives it to Illegal immigrants!  And WE have absolutely nothing to say about it!  We can do nothing about it!  Or can we?  Oh yes, we can do something about it.  I have said many times before, when the American citizens of this nation are finally sick enough of this, they will rise up in protest!  I believe they will!  In fact, there are signs now just starting to begin.  Signs of great discontentment among the legal American citizens, demanding that our government stop the insanity, and close up the borders.

       This week on a TV news show, I listened to a particular U.S. congressman, who stated the main reason that the second attempt to pass the Amnesty Immigration Bill failed, was due to the massive out cry from the majority of legal American citizens in this nation.  WELL, IT IS ABOUT TIME! It is about time that WE the legal Americans DEMAND CHANGE, and DEMAND an that our government begins to listen to the will of the majority of legal Americans in this nation, and not listen to the minority. 

       But as I have stated before in other reports, it is only beginning.  Just because the government has finally begun to listen to the will and of the people (the majority), does not mean we the majority are going to win on every front!  And as I stated in last reports, it is time for all legal American citizens to form protests, and take it to the streets in every major city, including Washington in our nation!  This is the only way we will see and get change for America!

      It is time to protest and demand to dump the crooks in our government. 

      This next very inportant statement I am going to make, is in regards to our nation going into "Isolationism".  For those of you who may not understand what Isolationism is and is all about, let me give you a short and simple explanation and view of it.   And I will use the word that fits this nations problems.  We are seriously in need of this nation of going into a period of Isolation, in order to save it! What happens in isolation is this.  We stop buying goods from other nations, and begin to manufacturer all our own products and goods.  We cut off all trade (or most), with any other nations accept, our true, tried and tested allies (England for one).  We begin to build new manufacturing plants, as well as expand the few manufacturing plants we have left in this nation.  We rely strictly on manufacturing, and supplying our own goods to our nation.  We stop giving away big money to all those countries that we have been for years, accept for those countries that need goods and food! We discontinue military policing in any country in the world. There is a lot more that needs to be done to bring this nation into Isolationism, but what I just said is just a non detailed simple explanation of Isolationism.

       I am sure that there are many people that may very well disagree with me.  Fine!  But with all honesty, if America does not shut it's borders down, and stop buying almost everything from China, (and a few other trade problem countries), and stops giving billions of dollars away to our enemy countries (North Korea, China, and many others), this nation will die!  America will cease to be America, the nation it once was, and one nation under God (under the Jewish, and  Christian God).  America will continue down the road as a failing military power, failing economic power, failing moral nation.  We will LOSE THIS GREAT NATION!

      Unless we go into a period of "Isolationism", and return to the basic fundamentals of being a Christian nation, and outlaw ALL sexual perversion, and demand that our public elementary schools, and public high schools, and public colleges, begin to teach about God, and not against HIM, and STOP teaching Atheism, Paganism, and any other Pagan religion, and mainly return to the founding principles of those fore fathers that founded this nation (under GOD!), including the "Constitution", the "Bill Of Rights" and the other founding documents, AMERICA WILL DIE!  IT WILL DIE!  IT WILL DIE!

       One of America's most horrible sins above all others, is it's killing of the unborn children.  America has LEGALLY killed over 50 to 90 million babies!  This sin, which I believe without a doubt is the worst sin of all that this nation has committed, this sin alone without any other of our sins, is the MAIN and MAJOR reason that America is falling apart and failing.  God's judgment is here NOW!  It has already begun!  But there is a way out, and that is this.  The way out is most of what I said.  But the most important and effectual way out to have God stop His judgment of America, is by the Majority of the people of this country, calling for a mass meeting for repentance to God for it's sins, and mainly, the murdering of millions of unborn creations of God.  I tell you this!  I guarantee it 100% if this nation, and most of everyone in it would call a meeting for a certain date, and hour for a mass repentance, and repent on their knees before God, God WILL stop his judgment of America.  HE WILL!  There is a particular scripture in the Bible that comes to my mind.  I don't recall the name of the book, or chapter or verse, so I will just paraphrase it for everyone.  "If my people who are called by MY name, will humble themselves and repent and turn to Me, I will hear them, and they will become my people, and I will forgive them."  There is another scripture that speaks of calling a mass assembly of people, and that assembly is for repentance, and if that assembly is called, and the majority of the people will pray and beg God for forgiveness, God will forgive them".  But the most important part for God's forgiveness, is that the sins will have to stop!  In other words, killing of the unborn children would have to end, and be made illegal all over the U.S. immediately.  The laws would have to be immediately changed outlawing all killing of unborn children.

      I believe if this would happen, and our nation did repent, God would intervene for us, and heal our nation.  I truly believe it!  I do believe it, because God has told us so!

       But what I do not believe is this.  I feel deeply that America has gone to far down the road of sin and corruption.  In other words, we may have passed the point of no return!  Oh God!  I hope I am wrong saying what I just did.  I truly hope that I am.  I also believe that America (the majority of it's citizens) will not call for a time of mass repentance.  I just believe that will happen.  Again, I truly hope I am wrong with what I just said.  Obviously, I as well as millions of other Christians would want to see America repent and turn around.

       I truly believe within the next few years (perhaps 2 to 5 years), our nation will experience another attack or several that will dwarf what happened to the twin towers in New York, and caused by the Arab terrorists, and (get ready for this shock), and there is very high possibility that others from other nations may also attack us from within.

Do we really realize the serious condition that is in the U.S. today?  Right Now!  I don't think many people really think it is all that bad!  It couldn't happen in America?  We are the great and powerful America, and we have never been attacked from within by any nation outside of our country (other then Arab terrorists).  I believe there are too many good and legal American citizens that just have their heads in the sand, and refuse to believe or accept all that is going on in our nation today, and that it will all get magically better and all will be okay.  I am sorry if I am breaking anyone's bubble or beliefs.  But it's true!  America is on a collision course!  How much longer can we continue to afford to keep paying our bribery money to North Korea, so they won't try to nuke us!  How much longer can we afford to wait on Iran, before they get enough enriched uranium to build nukes and bomb Israel and the U.S.  How much longer can we afford to keep paying out billions, and billions of dollars to China, a communist nation, who has been, and is really our enemy?  How much longer can we tolerate the rich fat cats who run our government to foolishly spend our money, while they themselves live like kings and queens in affluent neighborhoods seeing the real America through rose colored glasses.  Hmmm?  Sounds like the Historical past of France with the Aristocrats, and the revolution when the French citizens finally enough, and had enough of starvation, dying of diseases, living in filth, etc.  Even if our government would continue on their collision course, the money will run out! 
"International Free Trade With Other Nations Is Breaking Our Country!"

          Our government and the past several presidents of the United States have pushed for "FREE INTERNATIONAL TRADE!"  And they even went as far as to make one of our biggest enemies, CHINA, the most favored country in the world to trade with.  But let's get something straight here and now!  The International Free Trade with China is totally one sided.  Our country owes China billions of dollars to China because of the incredible trade imbalance (in China's favor of course).  Our nation is so far in debt to China, (over 20 billion dollars!) that the last time I heard how long it would take us to get out of debt with China, would be at least 20 or more years!  We also have an a Trade agreement with Canada and Mexico, which, although is nothing in comparison to the major money problem we have with China, our trade agreements with Canada and China are also hurting this nation.

      We are being attacked on several very critical fronts, including "International Free Trade" that COULD destroy this nation!  Make no bones about it, America could be destroyed because of it!


       I have been yelling this out for several years in reports I have sent out, "God's judgment is coming!"  And guess what?  It is here and now, and it is taking place!  Our nation is literally baptized in filth, and sin.  The murders in this nation, have reached an all time high, as well as have reached a violent and bizar level, that has never before been seen in the U.S.  Mass killings, are becoming almost a regular event.  Sexual perversion and sexually perverted crimes, as well sexual perversion as a life style have reached a level growth then has ever been in the history of the U.S.  Most (not all!) of our pubic school systems, and private and public colleges have all but spit on the American Flag and what it stands for.  Our nation's youth and young adults are taught by many teachers that are known atheists, and known sexual perverts, as well as teach "values" over "morals".  In a large number of people in this great nation, morals is almost a forgotten word and is an excepted standard, and has been replaced with the "humanist religion",  "values", meaning, do whatever seems right in your eyes!
       A major portion of our youth and young adults are steeped in drugs, sex, sexual perversion, and many more social and mental ills that I could not begin to list.  I don't want the good and Christian people to think I am fingering every American in this country by what I am saying.  Thank God, we do have a large population of born again (real!) Christians, that have not given up, and fell victim to the great sins of this internally destructing nation.

What are you, you and you, and everyone else who has read this report going to do?  You have to do something to help America.  Most of you will soon realize that there is no other decision, but to get involved and do something.  I used to say this in most of my reports, "Time is running out!"  Well, I have changed that now, and I will say this from now on, "Time Has Run Out!"  And with that, there is no more time to sit on the fence post and put the decision off to help or not, or, to leave it go for another day! 

Here is a good example that should get almost every Good and Moral, and Christian American as well to prove to you all that time has run out, and that there is no more time to sit and wait to make your decision.

I have been keeping up with a bill that either has passed, or may pass Congress, and is either going into law, or will.  I heard from a very close Christian friend of mine, who stated in a letter last night, that "it is now illegal to preach against Homosexuality and or Homosexuals!"  I have not been able to verify her statement!  I am aware of a Bill that is being pushed through Congress for vote (as I just said), a hate crime to talk against or about Homosexuality, and Homosexuals in our country, which obviously will include it being illegal to preach from the pulpit against the sexual perversion.  I hope to God my friend was wrong with her statement!  But I do know (the last time I heard about that bill), that it was being presented in Congress.  If indeed the bill won, and it will be law, this nation is even in worse condition then before. 

So, after reading what I just stated, should stir up even more people to want to get involved, and do what they can to change our government, and to help our nation!

Let's all pray for America.  Truly, America is in it's darkest hour!  Truly, we have never needed God's help so much as we need today, as ever before in the history of our nation. God have mercy on America.

    I included a very shocking report from a close friend of mine, that I felt must be included with this report.  Please read it below.

Rev. Billy Dee

Augustin Cebada, Brown Berets; "Go back to Boston!  Go back to Plymouth
Rock, Pilgrims!  Get out!  We are the future.  You are old and tired.  Go
on.  We have beaten you.  Leave like beaten rats. You old white people.  It
is your duty to die . . . Through love of having children, we are going to
take over".
Richard Alatorre, Los Angeles City Council. "They're afraid we're going to
take over the governmental institutions and other institutions. They're
right.  We will take them over . . . We are here to stay."
Excelsior, the national newspaper of Mexico, "The American Southwest seems
to be slowly returning to the jurisdiction of Mexico without firing a single
Professor Jose Angel Gutierrez, University of Texas; "We have an aging white
America.  They are not making babies.  They are dying. The explosion is in
our population . . . I love it.  They are s_ _ tting in their pants with
fear.  I love it."
Art Torres, Chairman of the California Democratic Party, "Remember
187--proposition to deny taxpayer funds for services to non-citizens-- was
the last gasp of white America in California."
Gloria Molina, Los Angeles County Supervisor, "We are politicizing every
single one of these new citizens that are becoming citizens of this country
... . . I gotta tell you that a lot of people are saying, "I'm going to go out
there and vote because I want to pay them back."
Mario Obledo, California Coalition of Hispanic Organizations and California
State Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare under Governor Jerry Brown,
was also awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Bill
Clinton, "California is going to be a Hispanic state. Anyone who doesn't
like it should leave."
Jose Pescador Osuna, Mexican Consul General , "We are practicing 'La
Reconquista' in California."
Professor Fernando Guerra, Loyola Marymount University; "We need to avoid a
white backlash by using codes understood by Latinos . . . "
Are these just the words of a few extremists?  Consider that we could fill
up many pages with such quotes.  Also, consider that these are mainstream
Mexican leaders.
THE U.S. VS MEXICO: On February 15, 1998, the U.S. and Mexican soccer teams
met at the Los Angeles Coliseum.  The crowd was overwhelmingly pro-Mexican
even though most lived in this country. They booed during the National
Anthem and U.S. flags were held upside down.  As the match progressed,
supporters of the U.S. team were insulted, pelted with projectiles, punched
and spat upon. Beer and trash were thrown at the U.S. players before and
after the match.  The coach of the U.S. team, Steve Sampson said, "This was
the most painful experience I have ever had in this profession."
Did you know that immigrants from Mexico and other non-European countries
can come to this country and get preferences in jobs, education, and
government contracts?  It's called affirmative action or racial privilege
The Emperor of Japan or the President of Mexico could migrate here and
immediately be eligible for special rights unavailable for Americans of
European descent.
Recently, a vote was taken in the U.S. Congress to end this practice.  It
was defeated.  Every single Democratic senator except Ernest Hollings voted
to maintain special privileges for Hispanic, Asian and African immigrants.
They were joined by thirteen Republicans.  They have also backed special
privileges for these immigrants.
Corporate America has signed on to the idea that minorities and third world
immigrants should get special, privileged status.  Some examples are Exxon,
Texaco, Merrill Lynch, Boeing, Paine Weber, Starbucks and many more.
DID YOU KNOW?: Did you know that Mexico regularly intercedes on the side of
the defense in criminal cases involving Mexican nationals? Did you know that
Mexico has NEVER extradited a Mexican national accused of murder in the U.S.
in spite of agreements to do so? According to the L.A. Times, Orange County,
California is home to 275 gangs with 17,000 members;
98% of which are Mexican and Asian.  How's your county doing?
According to a New York Times article dated May 19, 1994, 20 years after the
great influx of legal immigrants from Southeast Asia, 30% are still on
welfare compared to 8% of households nationwide.  A Wall Street Journal
editorial dated December 5, 1994 quotes law enforcement officials as stating
that Asian mobsters are the "greatest criminal challenge the country faces."
  Not bad for a group that is still under 5% of the population.
Is education important to you?  Here are the words of a teacher who spent
over 20 years in the Los Angeles School system.  "Imagine teachers in
classes containing 30-40 students of widely varying attention spans and
motivation, many of whom aren't fluent in English. Educators seek learning
materials likely to reach the majority of students and that means fewer
words and math problems and more pictures and multicultural references."
WHEN I WAS YOUNG: When I was young, I remember hearing about the immigrants
that came through  Ellis Island.  They wanted to learn English.  They wanted
to breathe free.  They wanted to become Americans.  Now, far too many
immigrants come here with demands.  They demand to be taught in their own
language. They demand special privileges--affirmative action.  They demand
ethnic studies that glorify their culture.
HOW CAN YOU HELP?: Send copies of this letter to at least two other people,
100 would be even better.  Help us get the word out.
California Coalition for Immigration Reform
5942 Edinger, Suite 113-117 Huntington Beach, CA 92649 Phone 714
921 7142 Date: 4/5/2006
Bruce Rogers

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