By Anonymous...

One night after going to bed, I realized that I was outside of my body, in my spiritual form, while my soul and body lay peacefully on the bed. Briefly I saw my body laying on the bed as 'I' floated above it, and then suddenly I was somewhere else...

I was descending into darkness, and I instinctively knew that I was descending deep below the earth... down and down and downward I went.

I became aware of a couple of 'angels' near me - it seemed - who I knew were with me, yet who I could not see. I did however receive an impression from them that I should not be afraid, but that the Almighty was showing me something...

Down and down and down I - we - went... into total darkness.

After what seemed like a very long time of descending, we suddenly broke through the roof of an incredible large cavern.

Although I knew that I could not 'smell' physically, I suppose that my "spiritual sense of smell" enabled me to detect the total and complete putridity of the "stink" of this immense sulfurous chamber.

What I saw was indescribable, however I will attempt to describe the scene as best I can...

First of all I heard the deafening sound of the most horrible screams and cries of agony that one could imagine, and also the roaring sound of what resembled the inside of a blast furnace, however this was infinitely louder than any furnace that I had seen on the surface.

A wave of peace filled and surrounded me from the direction of my invisible 'friends' and I was able to observe without succumbing to the absolute terror that this scene should have given me.

I began to perceive, through many many columns of rising black smoke, one particular large column that my unseen guides seemed to be directing my attention to.

It seemed that I was inside some kind of transparent, yet impenetrable, protective bubble. I sat on the floor of the 'bubble', looking downward to this particular column - this raging plume of smoke.

Somehow - through what seemed to be some supernatural process - I was able to begin to see through the black column of smoke and to the horrifying and incredibly UGLY 'creature' that seemed to be flailing wildly in apparent TOTAL agony, in what I can only describe as a "lake" of burning - boiling - infernal - raging - flaming fire...

I gazed more closely into the burning flames, through the raging plume of smoke, and saw the most horrible creature that I have ever seen...

I heard a voice in my head say... "Hitler".

The screams of this creature was louder than the combined screams of a hundred people on the surface. I was able to look closer and saw the blackened body - or animated carcass? - of this creature. I could see that many thousands of others were suffering the same eternal burning, frying, fate... in other parts of this fiery lake, this furnace of the damned, and I got the impression that these others were followers of this creature whose attention I was focused on.

Among these other creature were winged gargoyle-like forms that were also burning... and I received the impression that these were Satan's fallen angels. However I also got the impression that I was observing only a small part of this place of unspeakable horrors.

The damned - flailing - screaming - tormented - burning 'body' of this creature filled my view, while the words "eternal" entered my mind... accompanied by the words: infinite suffering, flame, torment, and agony... eternal hell!!!

I got the impression that I had somehow been transported through time into the future (following the "resurrection of the DAMNED" that is), so the that I could observe the pain of this ugly creature, which was TOTAL and INFINITE...

Then I was able to see the flesh surrounding this blackened creature's body... I immediately noticed that the "flesh" was "moving" on this horrid creature's extremely grotesque "body"... yet I saw that this "movement" was actually "boils" or "blisters" rapidly forming and growing on the seared, burning flesh of this creature - resulting from the fire continuously burning his body, which seemed as if it were constantly being consumed yet not destroyed. The sounds of these exploding blisters and boils was almost deafening!

Then the words: "resurrection of damnation" filled my mind. And I instantly knew that this was not just a disembodied spirit, but an actual resurrected being (the "resurrection of damnation"), a damned soul and body that would physically be CONSUMED and FRYING and BOILING and SCREAMING for all of the ETERNATIES to come, without ever ceasing to exist, and thus experiencing indescribable PAIN for all eternity. In other words, this creature would experience infinite suffering to an infinite extent throughout all of the infinite eternities to come... it would NEVER be possible for this creature's pain and suffering to be any greater than it was... and this suffering would last throughout all of the eternities to come.

As I looked closer I could see each boil immediately appear on the screaming body of this incredibly ugly creature and grow to nearly the size of a baseball and immediately burst - splattered mucus and puss and blood all over, as the creature screamed all the louder with each and every INNFINITELY painful eruption! It seemed as if this process took three seconds for each boil, and this was happening all over this creatures blackened, charred, body... because the body-carcass was literally covered with hundreds of exploding boils and blisters.

Then once again, I heard some words: "...never-ending eternal judgement in hell for those who would destroy my people!"

Even in my protected state... all of this was just becoming too much for me... and I asked for the vision to cease...

Then suddenly I felt myself flying upwards and upwards... and soon found myself awake in my bed...