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H4 Reading List

1.All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Remarque

2.Catch-22 by Joseph Heller

3.Night by Elie Wiesel

4.Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand

5.Darkness at Noon by Arthur Kessler

6.The Pianist by Wladyslaw Szpilman

7.The Spy Who Came In From The Cold by John LeCarre


You have been assigned to read ONE of the following books for this semester and to provide a written essay about it, answering the assigned questions. This project will be worth 20% of your grade for the SECOND MARKING PERIOD and MUST be handed in by the due date.NO EXCEPTIONS.

Book Choices

See List

Your Task

1. Why did you pick that particular book? What is the main story of the book? Explain

2.Which new things (at least three) did you learn about history from the book?

3.What do you think was the author's main goal in writing the book? What message has he sending to the reader?

4.How well (or poorly) does the book portray the events of the time it was written?

5.How can you compare and contrast the book with what we have learned in class so far? Give specific examples!!!


1.The essay must be typed, double-spaced. 12 font size, 1 inch margins.

2.Must be 3 typed pages, minimum. You must have an introduction and a conclusion as well as the body of the essay.

3. The report must have a cover page with your name, the title of the book, author and your class written on it.

4.Please include any artwork or cartoons that you think are relevant, but do so ON A SEPARATE PIECE OF PAPER!

Due Date

The project must be handed in by Wednesday April 28.It will only be accepted later than with a doctor's note. NO EXCEPTIONS!!!