Beings Of Light

What Is this?

This site is dedicated to many different things, basically to the rambling of my mind. Right now, well, it's nothing, but a strange experiment. Me learning. It'll probably be very boring for most people, but it's a way for me to learn a bit about HTML. This page will also not be sensible, for the most part, since I am not a sensible person.

The well turned word is like balm for the aching Soul. I said that, And I do believe I'm the first person to say it. I love words, the twisting, the forming, the conotation of them. Hence the name of this site, Beings of Light. I thought that was a lovely phrase. I often find that the most lovely phrases occur to me, and I simply can't get them out of my head.

  • Visit other places, here and elsewhere

    The Official Star Trek Web Site
    Baen Publishers site, Publishers of many awesome books, Including my favorite Honor Harrington Series!
    My Blog
    My Fan Fic
    htmlGEAR - free polls, guestbooks, and more!

    Sorry you had to suffer through this, hope you come back again, lol! The worst part, there's more to this site! Poor things!