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Nikki's Home Page
*New* Links

College Pics!! ERAU


Pics of Josh and I

Pics of my Southern Boy

*Old* Links

JSR Prom Pics 2000

My Random Pics Page for 2002

JSR Prom Pics 2001

Valentines Semi Pics 2003

I'm Gonna Be a Super Model

Old School Pics

Blame Canada

!! Welcome !!

Hmmmmmmm . . . . .

Hey Welcome to my NEW home page. I have finally updated all of it as of October 21, 2003! I added more websites in the links column I have also changed the pictures on this page.

The two pictures on this page are pictures of Daytona Beach . . . my current home. I am currently attending Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University here in lovely Florida. I absolutely love it here and am enjoying the sunshine and warm weather.

Shortly after I got down here I met the most amazing guy in the world. He is absolutely gorgeous and treats me extremely well. I know that a lot of you back home havent met him so I included plenty of pics of him, and of him and I. And dont worry he is coming up to NH to visit in December so you can all meet him then!

All the links on the left will lead you to more of my web pages. The *NEW* Links are sites I have made since I have been in college and the *OLD* sites are ones I made through highschool.

I hope you enjoy. If you have an suggestions for my pages e-mail me at