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Welcome to Linda and Paul's Argelès-sur-Mer website.  




There is a small apartment available for rent at  Argelès sur Mer, not far from Perpignan, in the south west corner of France, very close to Spain.

Argelès sur Mer is Argelers Marenda in Catalan. The town is in two parts - Argelès Ville, and Argelès Plage.

Argelès has a wide, clean beach just where the Pyrenees come down to the sea, so there is mountain scenery and skiing near by. From the beach you can get a glimpse of the snow-capped mountains.

In the summer months Argelès is very popular, since apart from its beach, it has plenty of activities and many places to eat, and is conveniently close to many very interesting places





This page was last updated on 06-Jun-2002.

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