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One of APO Multimedia’s most exciting new releases is a series of
CD-Rom products called ProducerTrax. Aimed directly toward desktop songwriters, ProducerTrax provides high quality Drums,Bass and
Percussion in a new and inspiring format. Instead of using the old 2
and 4 bar drum loops, ProducerTrax has recorded the musician through
an ENTIRE arrangement of a song several times. Thus maintaining all
the natural elements of a live energized sound.
To find out more about this exciting new product continue
Please note: APO Multimedia is a sample library company devoted to creating samples that take advantage of "REAL" playing situations, and tries to convert them to allow others to emulate these circumstances in their own studio environment. All the unique and natural elements of real playing are maintained through the use of long samples and allowing the musicians to play over an entire arrangement before editing takes place.  
APO Multimedia is proud to announce that Terratec Producer will be the official worldwide distributor of ProducerTraxs.
APO Multimedia has been working very hard with the team at Terratec Producer to produce an outstanding sample library package.
The package release date will be announced very soon and will include specially designed packages for, drums, bass, percussion and complete rhythm sections. Each series will be available in multiple formats and provide excellent value to musicians, songwriters and students.
Terratec Producer is the new Pro Audio part of Terratec, and will concentrate on providing high quality pro audio equipment and software for the demanding world of Pro Audio.......continue