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Happy Father's Day

It's good to be a Dad.

Every morning I wake up with an universal question. Why can't everyone experience everything I go though? Why can't people learn my lesson's and become like me? Then I got the answer. If every one went though my shoe's it would be my world. But the worst thing would be, my dad would have to raise more of me. I don't think he would like that, I'm an once in a life time son. For putting him though that, would be something that I would not do to myself. He has be so kind and patient. He has taught me and helped me though the chapters of life. From helping me tie my shoe's to teaching me to fix my zipper on my blue-jeans. From helping me though my stutter problem to putting band-aids on my knee. Nothing seemed to stand in his way. He went though every task with the same ease as the one before. 


Your youth my be gone, but I'm here for you. I don't know how, you knew how to raise a wild young boy in this world. You knew the right time to step in and straighten me out, and the time to step back and let me find my moral's. The time I fought you, you remained standing. And the time I didn't know you taught. Now that the time has come for me to make life decisions for myself, I can. Because of your broad life that you have experienced, you shared with me, now I'm a while rounded young man.

I know we don't talk everyday, but not only because of your influence on my life, you've given me leadership skills. Like in school the clubs I'm in: Debate- Vice-President, Mu Alpha Theta- President, JROTC- Battalion S-3. Cultural Exchange Organization: Treasurer, and Robotics- Engineer. In all of these organizations I'm a key player. But even though our life and bodies are changing with the world. I'll be by your side forever. Next year my final year in High School I'm taking the hardest of all my course's to prepare for college, and I'm taking AP exams to earn college credit before I go. The only thing let to do is say thank you.


Thank You

Your son

Jake Powell