I am not responsible for anything. ever.

e-me or AIM @ sensimil

Just fucking do it.
Link me.

point and click.

my shit!

Beware of Pirates..


Screw Frontpage!

surf, via the net
I want to, eat some, fudge stripe cookies
got problems? have a little drink..!
Do you know your ABC's?!?
Getting drug tested?
Beer Pong!
Mix some drinks dammit
Hungover? Consult this guide.

Stick figures fucking shit up!

Vaporizers, Pipes and Blunts from 1Percent.com
point & click your cheap ass to a free bong

Your Mom will love it.
Click here for horribly wrong T-Shirts

It's all your fault
created by intelligent monkeys, for intelligent monkeys

we love the web
for all you photoshop freaks

Add Me!

[ ? ] Questionable Content
are you hearing the braille Im speaking?

? Tuesday, Feb 11, 2003

I do everything right. its always all about what other people think. Get over it people. no one really gives a damn. BUT I will say, when in need of help, and one lends a hand, thats a kind friend. give a hand, not a fucking anuerism.
Ive noticed I havent updated in a while. not that im sorry, I just realized how much sobriety sucks. when you're bored and sober, its like, what the fuck? I dont have anything much right now, I can barely move my arms, let alone think and make links and shit. ironically I can order food, have it delivered, give the guy a 20, assuring him to keep the change on a 8 buck bill, and not even eat the food. that, I can do.

? some friggen day in the cold weather months

Its not that i dont know the day, I could find out. I just dont give a damn. I finally decided to update, after long diliberations and medications. I could spout on about social issues and the

? Thursday, October 24th

You a fine mother fucker when you back that ass up. Ok kiddies enough exploiting the fat of the nation. Halloween is coming! I wanna see my hood filled with 9 year old pimp daddys. TRICK or treat! For all you SNL fans, check out Robert Smigel's ambiuous gay masterpieces The Ambiguously Gay Duo! And now for something personal. See the world through my eyes. Yeah thats it for now. I still have no fucking clue as to why my alignment is all screwed up. But if yeah check out the "screw it" link to the left, you'll notice I can do it all by myself! And I dont really give a fuck all that much. thanks.

? Sunday, October 20th

yo, perv..Fuck Yeah! Where getting drunk's the only point! Dont worry about yourself, take care of these fish, theyre waaay more important..A little fish tank, also known as the Insaniquarium. It's pretty addictive and rsi-inducing. hell, my hand hurts. Pres Bush realizes who's laughing. "Hello, Mr. Bush, it's nice to see you are cleanly shaven today" And for the hell of it, check out the true party dogs. and I thought I had some time on my hands..uh, update on the links. Hell, fuckin, point, yeah! click. thaaaaanks.

enjoy wasting your time, as much as I have, wasted.

? Tuesday, October 15th

Update. Anyone else been to the dentist lately? Sit back, relax, and hallucinate. Go ahead, you wont feel a thing. Check out this completely fleshed-out hypothesis that 'Jack' from Fight Club is the adult that Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes grew up to be. daaaaaaaaaamn nigga! BoreD? send a friend a pee-mail! I dunno what it is about stick people, but you can never get enough of them. See why they are becoming extinct! Can you ever tell when web friends are drunk and or high and or in fact, really, crazy? Give em a webpage, you'll be onto something..Last but not least, HUNGOVER? clickety click here.

? Not Thursday, October 13th

We can all get drunk, and never know what day it is.

Or we can all get high and never care what day it is

? Thursday, October 10th

"Don't worry, we'll finda a shot that wont make yea all crazy nuts nasty!!"

Alright fuckers. Its been a while since Ive updated. Its just a matter of time before I actually get the chaos, controlled. All in time my friends. Speaking of friends, Id like to tastefully exploit one right now.

? Sunday, October 6th

30 pack millerlite $18.99 Bottle of Jack $15.99 Cheetos $2.99 Tequila PRICELESS

Servicing humanity isnt an easy job. Put down the whiskey people, and pick up the Cuervo. My next inquiry .. when are they coming out with Stacker 4? My heart, apparently is becoming to immune to 3's and 2's are a joke, and what? Stackers? Candy. mmmm. $5 all you can drink. Did they know I was coming? Shutting down the open bar & NOT getting flagged....now that's priceless. No shit to point & click today fuckers. Today is football day. And I got shit to do. and drink.

? Friday, October 4th

Maybe its the E speaking, or maybe cause its getting close to Halloween. But I love Halloween. What a crazy fucked up holiday. One that you can celebrate, dress up like an ass, get drunk as hell and not have to deal with family. Gotta love it. So go learn something cool, pill headz. Led Zeppelin & Viking cats, its amazing what cats can do nowandays. Here's a little toy for the stoners stopping by. eh, I suppose anyone can check it out, but Im sure the cheebed up kiddies will have a swell time..yeah I already spent a few good hours burning my retinas...Attention seeking asshole strikes gold. And now to end on something good. Talk dirty with Mr. Rogers!

? Tuesday, October 2nd

I wouldnt know what the hell day it is if it wasnt for updating this site every few days. I had no clue it was october. I looked up "velocipede" to see what the hell it meant. Thanks to Yahoo! Reference: American HeritageŽ Dictionary, the grey cloud filled with question marks above my head started shitting on me.

1. A tricycle. 2a. Any of several early bicycles having pedals attached to the front wheel. b. An early bicycle propelled by pushing the feet along the ground while straddling the vehicle

Ponder that. Some interent quiz defined me as a fucking three wheeled old folks gay bike. I love the internet. "You know they have the internet on computers now?". I did update some shit today and also became one step closer to complete and permanent confusion. so sit back and browse around or don't. Today is October.

? Monday, September 30th

Coffee, You can sleep while your dead!

Hey fuckers!

QUIZ: What Superhero are You?

You're Mr. Velocipede!

You're obsessed with color, light, and words. You have found the human race to be a great disappointment and avoid contact with it whenever possible. When you can't avoid the world, you complain about it, something your acquaintances usually find quite amusing. Your constant anger drains your energy, which means you're almost always hungry, too. You don't sleep well.

Let internet quizzes define YOUR LIFE.

? Wendseday, September 25th

Ive been extremely busy lately being extremely lazy. But I got some good stuff for you folks that have nothing better to do than stop by this place. Ive been chatting on a site with some buds, answering a lot of "how to roll a joint" questions. Id like to share the only guide you'll ever need. so stop asking stupid questions. Here's some for the little boys who cant get a chick. and if that doesnt work, try this out. Now, as for the unexplained, explained; How cats create hurricanes.Satellite proof.

...at this time Id like to bring to attention yet another win for the Eagles.

And last but, well yeah this is it for today...Ive just become addicted to flying this little radio-controlled helicopter. Its fun as hell but dont let it get to yeah. I already went through two monitors. Good luck fuckers..my high is 1066. But I aint done yet. ..until something else as retarded grabs my attention, that is.

? Wendseday, September 18th

Ive just become aware that this layout may look all screwy in your browser. This is probably not my fault, you need to buy new computer. especially if it's a gateway.

Reality is the leading cause of stress amongst those in touch with it.

Id like to bring attention to the Eagles win over the Redskins. Ha!

I wasnt going to condone porn on the site, but considering that its just furniture, and friggen funny... Your guide to 40oz ... You like sitck figure animation? Who doesnt? Check out stick figures kicking each others ass, and other stick figure funny shit...Do you think you know your Porn stars & My Little Ponies? Ok, not exactly porn, but keeping the stick figure theme..hey every one? thing? stick? has gotta get laid.

...thats enough eye candy for you kids today..one last note..I was watching Fight Club earlier. Its like David Fincher did a tap dance on the 99 bananas floating around my head, answering each one...Yellow? Yellow..? Yellow!? Its odd, everytime I watch it I swear someones been tapping into parts of my brain I cant yet interpret. Its the government, it always is.

? Sunday, September 15th

Can I get a little coffee with this Irish Cream?

Nothing like taking the edge off with some Cypress Hill and Irish coffee. I didnt think I was going make it today. I was running around last night trying to get away from a damn mosquito that was out for blood. I tried to kill him, but my perception was slightly off, so then I tried to reason with him, asking if he was from East or West Nile..The sonofabitch wouldnt answer me..he was just rambling on about all this other shit! So I finally caved and said, "look, you can bite the hell outta me if you just shut the fuck up." And the deal was made. Little did that fucker know my blood was so tainted with alcohol, he didnt get to many bites in before we started reminising about the good old days when he used to get drunk off the Maddog all the highschool kiddies used to drink...

Im pretty impressed with my efforts here. Didnt make it to the beach due to shitty weather, and to be honest Ive been quite content being a hermit. Besides the *real* game isnt until tomorrow night, Eagles v. Redskins. Enough about that though. If you think you've got a drinking problem, you should seek professional assistance. Go here.. We cant let problems get in the way of our drinking now, can we? Be honest.

? Saturday, September 14th

Fuck some people.. I decided after a rough night last night and doing pretty much nothing all day, to stay in and watch some bad blood battle it out tonight on ppv. Same reason Ive found such a liking to football..lets see some sweet ass kicking! Oscar De La Hoya & Fernando Vargas are gonna go at it like Im gonna go after the advertisers of comcast cable.

What the hell is going on with the indentations of my entries? If anyone can help me out, dont. Cause I swear Ill figure THAT shit out eventually. I dont really care right now, Im just glad Im getting this going.

"The biggest killer on the planet is stress and I still think the best medicine is and always has been cannabis." ~Willie Nelson, himself.

btw, Cheez-Its are fucking great.

? Friday the 13th

Gotta love it when you crush your finger in a window on Friday the 13th. This is going to be short and sweet because 1. its friday. 2. its friday the 13th. 3. I only have 5 beers. & 4. chaos awaits on this fine friday the 13th. Im working my way to getting some affiliates and traffic to this joint. But Im probably not doing shit until after the weekend, because I have more important things. ie. the beach, football, and football at the beach. Go Eagles! Go Me! Go Millertime! I plan on getting more fun things for you kiddies to clickety click on, my webgeek friends links and yeah, shit like that.

Hard Work Often Pays Off After Time, but Laziness Always Pays Off Now.

For now though, check out the links to the left...I find them interesting, thats why I added them to my lil niche on the net. Actually thats all I have to say for now. I really dont feel like hooking up anymore links cause I hate html. thank you and fuck you kindly. OH one more thing, I hate pop-ups, just like any other bean surfing the web. Damn WHATEVER site is hosting me. Thank you. And fuck them wildly.

? Wednesday, September 12th

Well I when I finally came to this afternoon, I couldnt believe that I actaully made some kind of progress on this page last night. I knew I was getting drunk, or trying to at least, but I dont remember getting a lot of this crap up and running. Impressive if I will say so myself. Im still trying to figure out some of this html bullshit. When I try to decrease the font size it gets so friggen small that I know you idiots wouldnt be able to see if, thats assuming you know how to read anyway.

The Fox news channel was on earlier, I overheard that the New York lotto for 9/11 came out as 9 1 1. Those little beer pong balls with numbers on them popped up that sucky-shoot thingy oddly enough, 911. Now there's some creepy shit. THEN, I found out this shit.

After talking to my dog the other day while watching Spongebob, I really got to thinking. As much fun as I am having, Id love to be a cartoon, or my dog. Im not just talking any shitty cartoon. Im talking Spongebob, Futurama or quite mostly, The Simpsons.. To top things off I came across this idiot who won a replica of the Simpson house, and the fucker was rambling on about PAINTING it. Christ, now theres someone who cant appreciate the fine things in life. What a fucking cock head. Well after a few drinks, I got thouroughly drunk and became extremely pissed at this asshole. After induldging myself in a few more drinks and a nice episode of Iron Chef, I got back to surfing, via the net & came across this that touched me in a special fuzzy kinda way. I felt like Matt Groening himself wanted me to become a part of the family. And Im aight.

I'm so like Barney!
I'm Barney, who are you? by Lexi

? Wednesday, September 11th

This is quiet possibly the fourth or fifth time attempting a webpage. while Id like to blame it on ADD and society, Ill suck it up and give it to you straight. Im fucking lazy.

Eventually Ill get some kind of mission statement so you know why I feel the need to keep trying to get my shit on the web. When I say my shit, that is the stuff that would ooooze from my head if I broke my skull open like the time I was pushed out of a moving car. I had a lot to say after that little incident.

..drunk by noon but that's ok, Ill be president someday..!

Im always up to see what other people are saying, so I can say what I think, LOUDER. Im here to entertain you, just as all you crazy fucks are here to entertain me. So lets have some fun. You have something to say? You see that feedback icon? Click it. Im sure you got the idea by now, so point and click motherfucker.

Be heard in life...its just like sex..speak up or youll never get what you want. And why not wear it too? If you like distasteful shirts just as much as me..check this place out. nice shirts for you cheap bastards.

Which brings me to my next point.

My plans for the future

Its inevitable, at least as far as you know, that we're all gonna die. But who's to say that we are going to end up in Heaven or Hell? What if we're already there? What if this is Heaven? Hell, what if this is Hell? I picture Hell like this, a few degrees hotter, and one beer short. Everyone is walking around, asking and looking for their next drink. It's horrible. But what this does, it keeps things interesting. It keeps people on their toes. The lazy fuckers. Well my plans, are to come back and haunt people. Not just anyone though, mostly the people I like. The people I hang with now, that kid around, with serious connotations about how Im an alcoholic. I have no problems with this, but Im gonna have some fun with them in the afterlife. And screw those fucking chains that Waldorf and Statler carry around in the Muppets Night Before Christmas. Those crazy old fuckers. They're doing it all wrong. Not that I want to change history's xmas stories, but Im gonna do damn hell right. Im going throw some nuts and screws in empty beer cans and jingle jangle them to my dead hearts content. I cant wait.

get this gear!