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Today is

Help Tips
: Game Help :
: Secret Times :
: Contests :
: Ways to Gain Neopoints :

Guild Activities
: Contests :

: Free Jelly :
: Healing Springs :
: Free Omelette :
: Fruit Machine :
: Tombola :
My Neoname is SeaMonkeyDude182
Neomail Me.

8/7/03 - This is the first day of this guild. I haven't gotten everything together yet, but within the next few days it will be up and running.

8/13/03 - I have finished the guild site and we are about to start up for business. Look to your right on information on Newbie Packs. Look to your left for Guild Activities and Neopet Tips. ALSO: This page uses IFRAMES and other codes that may not be compatible with old browsers. If this is a problem neomail SeaMonkeyDude182. If I receive enough neomails I will change the layout.

About Us
Started: 8/7/03
Leader: SeaMonkeyDude182
Master: FatKid1031
Secretary: Mudge1031
Member Shops
: FatKid103: Books :
: SeaMonkeyDude182: Food :
: Mudge1031 :

To Add Your Name To This List E-Mail SeaMonkeydude182
Sick Pets?
E-Mail FatKid1031 for FREE medicine. You may only do this once a week.
Newbie Packs
For New Members of the Guild E-mail FatKid1031 for Newbie Packs containing 2 Food Items, a Plushie, and a Random Item will vary in worth).
Jobs AvailableIf you would like to apply for Guild Council or help us out in any way E-mail SeaMonkeyDude182. There are salaries involved for those who do good jobs.
Recruitment If you Recruit any people, have them neomail me and you will win a prize.
* Featured Games *

Days Until Contests End

Get Going!

Article of the Week (month, year, whatever): Message

Coming Soon...


There just aren't enough trophies out there for people who are terrible at everything...not everyone has no life whatsoever so they can devote all their time and energy to getting ridiculously high scores on flash games." - StoneMan3X Neopian Times; Neopian Trophies We Wish Actually Existed
"The Neopoint. Is it paper? Is it a coin? Is it a virtual currency? When we go to the store, how do we bring our Neopoints with us?" - Annawann Neopian Times; The Look of the Neopoint
"I can’t tell you how many times people have said that I need to spend more time in the “real” world...All I need to know [about the world] I learned in Neopia." - Ember188 Neopian Times Week 96; All I Need to Know I Learned in Neopia

More To Come

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Thanks to Neopets for Many of the Images Used