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SK Class of 1989
10 Year Reunion Info Photos Misc.
Welcome to South Kitsap's Class of 1989's Ten Year Reunion Website. We've got information about the reunion -- the planning committee, the details of the three day reunion, and ways to volunteer for the next one. You can also find photos from all three days. Have fun looking for yourself and your friends. Plus, in the miscellaneous section, you'll find a virtual yearbook from our senior year, links to South Kitsap web sites, and other fun links. Sign our guestbook and let people know how much fun you had at the reunion, or just let us all know what you're up to these days.

Reunions can be a fun time to rekindle old friendships, make new friends, and boogie all night long. Hopefully this site can just add to that fun. See you at the next reunion!

Note: SITE UNDER CONSTRUCTION--everything is not here yet! This site was created and tested on a PC using IE 4.0. Some of these pages are graphic intensive (due to photos, etc.). Please be patient while they load. If you have any problems or comments on the website, email or fill out our comment card.