• Name: Morrigan
  • AKA: Angel One
  • Current Residence: San Diego, CA
  • Home of my heart: Klukwan, Alaska
  • Tribe: Tlingit, Dakl'aweidi, Chilkat Kwaan
  • Eagle Moiety, Killer Whale Clan, Dorsal Fin House (Keet Gooshi Hit)
  • Birthday: December 29th, Capricorn/Capricorn

  • (The following answers are in the form of song lyrics, just for fun!)

    Who are you?
    "I'm just a little black rain cloud hovering under your honey tree, Only a little black rain cloud, pay no attention to little me. "

    What do you look like?
    "This one, this form I hold now, so wide eyed and hopeful. Wide eyed and hopefully wild."

    Where do you want to be?
    "Come away, oh human child, to the water, and the wild. With a fairy hand in hand, for the world's more full of weeping than you can understand."

    What do you want to be?
    "Maybe it is time I learn how to swim. I'll be a dolphin, I'll be a dolphin."

    What do you want to do?
    "I want to know everything. I want to be everywhere. I want to do something that matters."

    What can't you do?
    "I can scream as loud as your last one, but I can't claim innocence."

    Are you strong?
    "I've got my lunchbox and I'm armed real well."

    What are you afraid of?
    "I'm not afraid of standing still, I'm just afraid of being bored. I'm not afraid of speaking my mind, I'm just afraid of being ignored. I'm not afraid of feeling and I'm not afraid of trying. I'm just afraid of losing and I am afraid of dying."

    What's your secret?
    "You thought you could keep me from loving. You thought you could feed on my soul. But while you were busy destroying my life, what was half in me has become whole."

    What is love?
    "And if a double decker bus crashes into us, to die by your side is such a heavenly way to die."

    What would you tell the one who loves you?
    "You may be right, I may be crazy. But it just might be a lunatic you're looking for."

    Who do you love?
    "Black is the color of my true love's hair. The purest eyes and the strongest hands, I love the ground on where he stands. And still I hope that the time will come when he and I will be as one."

    What advice would you give your friends?
    "Learn to swim."

    |*Random-ish ness*|

    Do your friends find you weird sometimes?: I think they find me "normal" sometimes.
    Do your friends think you have odd taste in the opposite/same sex?: most of them approve
    Name some famous people that you find attractive?: Hugh Jackman, Vin Diesel, Wolverine, Jason Lee (Banky in "Chasing Amy"), Joaquin Phoenix, Nicole Kidman, Liv Tyler, Bjork
    Have you ever laughed for a long time, for no reason at all?: No, there's always a reason, even if I am the only one who knows it.
    Do you think you have any influence on others?: "No one outside of yourself can affect you, only you can affect yourself" - Zen Lesson


    Person you feel most comfortable with/talking to?: my imaginary friends
    Person you'd fight a rabid dog for?: In most instances, I'd be more likely to side with the DOG!
    Favorite color?: i wear mainly black
    Favorite bands or groups?: Tool, Perfect Circle, NIN, Disturbed, Miss Kitten, Funker Vogt, And One, Beborn Beton, Wolfsheim, U2, Ani DiFranco, Tori Amos, Poe, Dead Language
    Favorite TV Shows?: I almost never watch TV anymore. When I did, I liked Buffy & Angel, Six Feet Under, Invader Zim & The Osbournes, as well as most anything on the SciFi and Nature channels.
    Favorite place?: the edge of the sea
    Favorite pet?: We make great pets.


    So do you like anyone?: Maaaaybe.
    Have you ever been in love before?: yes
    Age ain't nothin but a number?: no.. depends on the people involved
    Do you believe in 'internet' relationships?: I believe it's fine to meet someone on the internet and go from there. But to maintain some farce of a "relationship" online is completely foolish and dangerously desperate.
    Do you believe in 'waiting for what you want'?: In love? Nah, I demand that I love myself RIGHT now, not later.
    Do you believe in love at first sight? Honestly?: Sure. There's all kinds of "love".
    Do you believe "everything happens for a reason"? Yes, even if that reason is simply to teach us a lesson.


    Telling Princes from Frogs
    If you date total losers you should really check out the book "Do Not Talk To, Touch, Marry, or Otherwise Fiddle with Frogs" - it so SO helpful.  Here are two lists I have started, based on advice from the book. One list is my Ideal Traits in Prince Charming, and the other are traits that to me equal FROG so I know to not proceed any further with this loser. The book encourages pickiness but it also urges you to stay in reality and not make one of your requirements something that will automatically disqualify 99% of all men. That means that I can not make "Must be Native" one of my standards... because only 1% of the population in the U.S. is native. (Unless I move to NDN country, and bring my odds up to 20-30% or so. LoL.)  My ideal prince may not be YOUR ideal Prince so make  a list yourself! However - most of my frog disqualifiers are pretty standard. And for the record, just because someone has froggy traits doesn't mean I think they're bad people. I just think they're a bad match for me.

    So Far (and this list will always change and adapt)....

    My Ideal Prince should be:
    Mixed Race

    Dark brown or black hair (that's just my taste)
    I love long hair but its not a strict requirement
    Tall is nice, but mainly just taller than ME cuz I'm a shrimp
    Intelligent enough to have philosophical conversations without asking for word definitions all the time AND

     Can tell the difference between your and you're
    Places more importance on community than individualism
    Loves nature - outdoors and animals
    Really really really good sense of humor (which doesn't center around dick & fart jokes)
    Sensitive and respectful of other people's ethnicities, cultures and beliefs while still having strong ideals himself
    A good communicator, open. I am too curious for "private" types.
    Supportive of my goals and dreams
    Finds my quirks amusing and endearing
    Views my past as a learning experience, and not anything to be ashamed about (Think "Chasing Amy")
    Loves & respects his family, especially his mother (without being a Momma's boy)
    Wants kids, or doesn't care if I have kids - either his or adopted
    Eats healthy, or at least tries to
    Lives life to the fullest and isn't afraid to take chances and try new things
    Has dreams, believes in himself and is working to fulfill his potential
    Isn't camera shy
    Is musically or artistically inclined
    Likes curvy women
    Verbally complimentary
    Likes to look in my eyes and focus on more than just the physical during sex
    Holds me when I am sad and comforts me with kisses on my forehead
    Holds my hand when we are out together
    Isn't shy about showing affection, in private or in public

    Froggy Deal Breakers:
    NEVER intentionally disrespects me or my loved ones (so even one "Fuck you, bitch" gets you the boot)
    No inappropriate sexual propositions early in the relationship, although that falls under the "disrespectful" category
    No Alcoholics, not even functional ones.. in fact.. no "regular" drinkers. occasional drinking is fine
    No Drug users (past drug use is fine but not current drug use, not even pot)
    No history of domestic violence or anger management problems
    No prison time (Daddy requires this one.. lol).. Jail time for political activism doesn't count
    No Smokers unless they are trying to quit (before they find out I don't like it) or only smoke occasionally in social situations
    Is not in any way threatened by my success or status in life
    No severe mental or emotional problems (one crazy person in the relationship is enough)
    Nobody who is mean spirited or overly judgmental of average people around him
    Nobody allergic to animals
    No hardcore Christians or Muslims
    No republican/capitalist/money-minded
    No fence sitters, have an opinion damn it
    No cowards
    No homophobes
    No one super skinny, like Jack the Pumpkin King
    No one super overweight (although if I am WITH a guy and he gains weight with age, I really don't care much)
    No one that farts or belches in front of me unless it is completely by accident and uncommon. If I can be discreet, so can you. If you can't stop farting you need to see a doctor or something.
    No one who is a porn-a-holic
    No one who is into the "Barely Legal" porn, or any porn where the woman is being grossly used and disrespected
    No one unemployed unless he just moved into the area
    Unless he lives in some bizarre place like Davis or Stanford where everyone rides a bike, he should have a car/truck/jeep/etc


    Links to other Pages on my Site

    My Live Journal
    Pictures of Me
    Picture Gallery
    My Family

    Dad Tells a Joke

    Tlingit Language Page

    My Amazon Wishlist! In case you want to buy me stuff.

    Angel One's Website Recommendations

    End Columbus Day

    Slaves to Entertainment: Orcas in Captivity
    RainCoast Research & Alexandra Morton
    Why you shouldn't eat Atlantic (Farmed) Salmon
    Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster
    Free Your Mind from Harmful Religious Dogma
    Byzant Occult Library
    Chaos Magick
    Bible Gateway

    Live Journal
    Astrocenter Daily Horoscopes


    Thanks for visiting. Please tip your waitress, and don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.


  • Email: keetgirl@gmail.com