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1st December 2003

Well, today's a rather boring day.  

Other than completing this web page, I've got nothing much to do!  Nonetheless, I'm heading for Queensway Shopping Centre to exchange my T-shirt for one with a smaller size.  [I had gone on a shopping spree yesterday :P] Let's hope the boss would be kind enough to allow me to do so.  


Keith invited me to his house for a game of mahjong.  Much as i wanted to go there, i had to go to Queensway Shopping Centre!!!  Hopefully there would be more chances for me to brush up my mahjong skills! ;)


... longing for my CD WALKMAN!!!  

But i'll have to consider whether i should buy it or not.  or should i buy a MD walkman or a mp3 player instead?  i've already been spending so much for the 1st few days of the holidays!!!  [well, i must thank my brother for sponsoring $50 for my expenses!]  is it time to put a stop to my splurging?


exclusive to 4C classmates!

Thanks for coming over to the class chalet last monday to wednesday and sorry for the squeeze that you had to endure!  

Well, I hope you have enjoyed yourselves in one way or another.  


Many pics were taken during the barbecue, including those with Ms Pek, Ms Ng, Ms Mok and Mr. Tan.  These pics would be uploaded somewhere in the near future.


Meanwhile, make full use of your time now!  Enjoy yourselves all you can!  

4C rocks! 

Don't forget one another!






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