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Wednesday, March 23, 2005

It's been a wild a crazy few days for me. I guess the theme for the past 7 days is "Bittersweet." Aileen is working her ass off to finish off nursing school, and she passed her final, allowing to move on to the next stage. It's been a tough road, and as sweet as that passed final was, a good friend of hers did not make it. To me, they were the dynamic duo of their class. They supported each other, but Aileen's friend, Anne missed the cut by only a few points. So there really wasn't a celebration when I found out Aileen's test results were well.

As for my bittersweet moments in the past few days...I find myself left in a daze because a friend of mine at work, is no longer working with me...Why is that bad? I technically worked for him, and he paid me for my efforts. Jason taught me everything about the sales side of business...and some stuff about life. We were the best team there was in the dealership. We have the highest closing ratios and gross profits, but now I find myself without Jason. I no longer do Fleet Sales, but I do the internet and some retail. That was the comes the sweet. Being that Jason is thinking about bringing me aboard to whatever place he ends up in, Timmons saw that they needed me because I was a pretty good salesperson. Long story short, I got a nice raise that makes it worthwhile for me to work here. My sales manager, Mitch said, "Yunno, if your new pay plan doesn't make you wanna work, you pretty stupid. It's good money for a sales person...especially one with your experience." I'm a sophomore in the car sales world, but my pay certainly is not a sophomore's pay.

sim drifted in @ 3/23/2005 04:45:00 PM.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Holy crap! It's been a hell of a long time since I even touched this thing. Anyway, let's first get up to speed. Christmas was fun, new year's was fun, and so on. that we are back up to speed, I can talk about my recent adventures. I haven't been playing poker lately due to things like vacation and other important things that have been going on. I miss the game, and I don't think that the game misses me. Halo 2 has been something that I can't stop playing, but before I get into that, let me get into the cruise.

We left the 25th of Feb, I got an extra day off from work because I made the schedule that way. It was cool because Mark, and I weren't even on the boat for 5 minutes, and already we got some alcohol in our system. Aileen and I settled into the room, and there it was...What was it? Chocolate covered strawberries, and a bottle of Corbel. It turns out that my boss bought it for my wife and I. It was a nice thought from him. It's kinda hard to go around the ship too much with Scott running about. I'm not complaining, but what made it hard was the fact that there were so many damn people with us. I love my family and all, but sometimes a lot of people travelling doesn't make for a very smooth vacation at times. Scott seemed to love every minute of him. He couldn't stop running around the halls laughing and screaming. I can't blame him to be in vacation mode either. We bought a lot of liquor of course. But it was fun to make sure that my uncle would by us a round of shots (like he said he would). Ensenada was fun of course, seeing weird things in another country like "Girl's TD's" and "De Pollo McNuggets." To make a long story short, the trip had a lot of food and drinking involved.

Anyway, I made the first impulsive purchase that I have done in a long time. I bought Gran Turismo 4, but here is the catch. I don't own a Playstation 2. I so happened to have my sister's PS2, and I will be keeping it for a while.

Aileen has been out and about with her Nursing school, and she will be done soon. It's hard to believe that all this time has already passed. Scott is almost 2, and Aileen is ready to graduate. I'm so proud of her =) Anyway, Scott's birthday will be coming up really soon...scary how fast kids grow up.'s been work I guess. So far I am doing really well in the. Jason (with my help of course) got to the Silver level in the Subaru sales guild. The reason why I said that he couldn't do it without my help is because it was a team effort, and he and I know it. Overall, the store just hit the Bronze level, which means that we are doing well even for a small dealership such as ours. So far, everything has been on the up and up. Not to mention the paychecks getting fatter and fatter.

I haven't been out and about with my friends in a while. I missed HIN because of work. On the flipside, I sold an STi to Curt Rambis' (yes THE Curt Rambis) son. If you don't know who he is, he is the current Assistant coach of the LOS ANGELES LAKERS, and he used to work in the offices for the lakers as one of the GM's I believe. Unfortunately there are no pics because I didn't want to disrespect him and his family. Anyway, I hope I can get together with the boys for this weekend.

sim drifted in @ 3/9/2005 12:41:00 PM.

Thursday, November 11, 2004

I have had a few sleepless nights since the 9th because of Halo 2. Damn that game is awesome. People say that the game is the same as the first...Obviously, the basic concept is the same, but the overall gameplay is great. The interfaces are better, the graphics and physics engines are better. It's all of the small things that make the game much better. Think about it...if Halo was such a great hit, why make Halo 2 any different? Anyway, if you haven't gotten the game probably don't have an XBOX. Go get it, and give yourself some sleepless, yet fun nights.

sim drifted in @ 11/11/2004 03:20:27 PM.

Gosh, it's hard to believe it's almost the Holidays. You know that time of year where your wallet tends to be thinner than any other time of the year. I love winter. Everyone seems to nice for some reason. I have a lot of plans going on for this coming winter, and I can't wait!!! Snowboarding for the first time (LoL...that's hard to admit), and being in Tahoe will be something big. There's also a big cruise lined up for Me, Lei, Mark, and Geni. 2004 was great, and I know that the year will end on an awesome note.

sim drifted in @ 11/11/2004 03:20:21 PM.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Did you vote? I did. *WHEW* Now P.Diddy won't kill me. LoL

sim drifted in @ 11/2/2004 02:48:09 PM.

Friday, October 29, 2004

The next few days will be pretty big. I'm not very saavy with politics, but I urge, everyone who is old enough, to vote. My polling place will be in LA, and I will be there. I want to make sure that I do what I should do as a citizen. So go out there and VOTE VOTE VOTE.

sim drifted in @ 10/29/2004 11:38:15 AM.

Monday, October 11, 2004

It's been a crazy few weeks. But before I even get into that. I want to wish my wife a Happy Birthday again. I know that I didn't blog on that day, but I did wish you a happy birthday, and we went out to a nice dinner like you wanted =). Our latest adventure was in Level 3 in Hollywood. It was a nice atmosphere to celebrate Aileen's and Alan's birthday. Lots of drinking involved, but it was just the right amount to be buzzed through the whole night. There are way to many stories to put down at the moment for that event. LoL

Anyway, I wish I could have been more elaborate about Lei's birthday. She always goes out of her way to make my birthday special. I guess I'm not really that great at doing crazy and elaborate schemes for special days, but I wish could do it for her because she deserves it in every single way.

Now that the birthdays are over, it's back to the reality we call life. Until the next big birthday bash...

Thanks to everyone that came out to Level 3 for Alan and Lei. Lei is still talking about how much fun she had. She should be talking about it for a long time...because it really was that much fun!!!

sim drifted in @ 10/11/2004 01:48:04 PM.

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Happy 22nd Birthday to me.

sim drifted in @ 9/15/2004 10:43:15 AM.

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

It's weird now that Lei is back in school. I don't get to spend as much time with her as we did over the summer. Most of her days are composed of study time, which isn't something I trip over about anymore, but like I's just weird to be home and she isn't. At least I know it's for a good reason. She is one tough cookie. She goes through a difficult schedule for school and work...and she STILL makes time for Scott and I. Tell me that's not a super mom. If you don't think she is a super mom...I'll call you stupid...stupid.

My birthday is one week away, and to be honest with you...I am getting a little more paranoid each day. Lei tends to have things done for my birthday...mostly little things, but enough to make an ordinary day feel anything but ordinary. I'm not sure that you all know that I like stability in a lot of things, and when there are sudden changes, it's possible that I'll feel like I'm taken out of my element. Ironically, I'm indecisive...LoL

Scott has recently been enrolled with Gymboree. He loves it. LoL...maybe I love it as much as he does. It allows us to spend time together...we just play without thinking or worrying about the world around us. It's a good feeling. Before this Gymboree stuff, I felt as if I didn't spend as much quality time with him.

I don't know what to expect for my birthday, but I never really expect much anyway...LoL...yunno me...I'm don't really ask for much whenever my birthday comes around.

sim drifted in @ 9/8/2004 11:28:57 AM.

Monday, August 30, 2004

It's that time again. It's only a couple of weeks until I turn 22. It's time for my "I Want List," and My 21st year in review.

My I Want List

2005 Subaru Impreza WRX Wagon
-5 speed
-WR Blue Pearl
-STi Hood Scoop
-Fog Lamp Covers
-Rubber Floor Mats
-Waist Spoiler

That's all that I want. I know that it's a stretch, but that's all that I want. I am sick of my car. I am starting to save up for the down payment. There is only 1 item on the list this year (granted the car will have those options either on the car or added on to by my dealership)

My 21st year in life has been just as interesting as being 20, which really does say a lot. I've grown quite a bit emotionally, mentally, and maybe even physically. Scott has grown so big! There is still a lot for me to learn when it comes to Fatherhood. This year was a really fun-filled one. I got to do things and buy things that I never usually did. I got to play poker with the big dogs in Vegas, I got to buy my first's a big deal to me. Being 21 is truly a care-free year. I was talking with Chris, and he said that there was a lot of things that have change for the better for me. I'll admit, I got a lot more breaks from life than other young parents today. I'm thankful for that. I have friends and family that always keep my head straight. Aileen is always my light in those dark tunnels of life. She always makes sure that I do the right thing for the right people. I've been to a few places, and did some awesome things this year. I don't really want to type about every little thing that has happened, but all things considered, this year has been great. I don't know what to expect out of 22. I predict that it will be a year where the fun dies just a little bit, and more work and perserverance will be the theme. Work will demand more of me, and will demand a lot more of my growing experience. I need a car, this will be the year that I will get it. Hopefully, by the time that I get the car, the incentives will be enough to make a big difference on the monthly payment...LoL...I love to be in the inside track. Anyway, that's 21...It's gonna weird to say that I am now 22 in just a couple of weeks.

sim drifted in @ 8/30/2004 12:07:59 PM.

Monday, August 16, 2004

There is nothing to do at work today, and I feel like blogging. Blog blog blog.

Anyway, I was just thinking about a conversation I had with a good friend of mine. He was telling me how things changed in only a year's time. I never really thought about how much has changed for the better. I never really took the time to see my own bigger picture. Before Scott was born, I was in a dead end job with a pregnant wife who needed the support. But something awesome happened between then and now. I now work for a pretty decent business, and I am making enough money to support my wife and son. Aileen is also in on the act. She has been working her ass off in school and in work. Tell me that isn't a big change in things...Chris seemed genuinely happy for me, and it shows. A lot of people find it crazy that I still get to spend a lot of time with my friends even while I still have a wife and kid. Aileen and I still get to spend quality time with each other. I guess our attitudes on how our life has become is better than most. I see many other young parents so angry and unhappy...well I guess to put in a better sense, complacent with life. They think that they can't get anymore out of life because they are stuck with a kid. Some still have the selfish mentality that they had back in high school. I'm just glad that I am where I am now. Thanks to my wife and some good friends, I was really able to appreciate what I have in life.

sim drifted in @ 8/16/2004 12:32:33 PM.

There are many styles of racing. I think that the way people race reflects who they really are. I've fallen in love with drifting. Nothing like the screaming of tires as the car begins to drift. To you it may sound like someone out of control. For one thing you are right, but being able to keep the insanity stable is what makes drifting great. Just knowing you are at the edge of control scares you, but keeping it so that you can always get back to normalcy makes you feel like you're safe. This is how my life is sometimes. I am learning the art of street racing. I am learning about myself and how my life is. I am a drifter in training...
Name: Simon Matthew Ocampo Kaiklian
Age: 21
Ethnicity (if you wanna know): Filipino or Pilipino (however you wanna look at it)
Status: I am married to a wonderful and beautiful woman, Lei.
Location: Sunny Southern California
Car: 1992 Acura Integra (It's an what?)

WhYy? - A team blog featuring my friends and I
Lei - Just for Today
Karen - Karen's Quote Book
Jay - Jay's Rhetoric
Mark - Go to Your Destiny