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T, U, V, W, X-position: Sounds Vaguely Dirty, Doesn't It?

In the Vortex

(Vivi weeps.)

Vivi: That wasn't me! It was Miss Wednesday. I swear!

Nami: Perhaps it's time for you to come to grips with some things you've been repressing, Vivi.

(Sanji and Usopp laugh. Zoro blanches.)

Sanji: 'Repress,' my nicely shaped ass.

Luffy: OH! I remember that!  'Repress!'

(Luffy laughs heartily.)

Usopp: You weren't here.

Luffy: Muwahahahaha!

Shanks: Muwahahahahaha!

Ben: Shanks, you aren't funny.

Nami (to Sanji and Usopp): What are you two talking about?

Usopp: An incident with my magic marker -

Sanji: - my glasses, and a sleeping Zoro.

(Vivi weeps louder.)

Sanji: In Vivi-chan's defense, she was as drunk as a skunk.

Vivi (hiccuping angrily): That was YOUR fault.

Sanji: Only the drunk bit.  I figured - (gets evil glare from Nami) Never mind about that.

Chopper: Where was I?

Sanji: Shut up, lunchmeat.

(Chopper sobs too.  Nami is too busy glaring at at Zoro, indicating that this is somehow all his fault, to pick up Chopper.  Vivi is too busy feeling ashamed.  Luffy finally gives in and squishes Chopper's face into his chest.)

Chopper (muffled): …rubbercloseenough…

Zoro (to Nami): Don't look at me like that! She did it to me in my sleep!

(Everyone raises their eyebrow - even Ben and he only saves that for special occasions.  Vivi sobs louder.)

Zoro: I meant that she drew a scar on my face with the magic marker and put the glasses on me in my sleep. Then tied me up with those strings of hers.

Usopp: Thank goodness I saved you.


Usopp: I was talking about Vivi.  I saved her from embarrassing herself further. 

Sanji: Yeah, if you'd actually woken up in time to enjoy yourself - (gets evil glare from Nami) - hahaha.  Joke.

(Nami looks at the sobbing mess floating through Vortex.)

Nami: Vivi.  It's okay.  I understand.

(Vivi looks up with shiny anime eyes of gratitude.)

Vivi: You do, Nami-san?

Nami: This never would have happened if you had some kind of natural tolerance to alcohol.  If we ever get out of the Vortex, we're going partying and I'm going teach you how to hold your liquor like a real princess.

(Vivi nods, a little cheered.)

Zoro: What about her repression?

Sanji: Yes.  That should be addressed.  Vivi-chan, feel free to not repress yourself.  If you need to work out any urges -

(Luffy hits Sanji with Gomu Gomu no Pistol.  Everyone is a bit surprised.  Correction. 
Really surprised.)

Nami: Luffy…why'd you do that?

Luffy: I thought you were busy.  You weren't comforting Chopper, so I thought you might not be hitting Sanji today too.  I wanted to help. (worried) Was I wrong?

Nami: No. Give me Chopper.

(Nami takes Chopper away from Luffy just before Sanji's boot hits the captain in the chest. Luffy flies back.

And loses his hat.)

Random Quote Analysis
Despite the fact that my weapons and armor are in a desperate need of repair, I blow my entire reward on ale and whores! - Skull, PVP

Mihawk: A smart man, that Skull.
Mihawk: It won't work, boy. You think the Author brought me here by accident?
[It's not like that. And stop scaring the rebel, Pervy McPervster.]
(Mihawk does his scary swirly eyes at the Author, but it has no effect because - )
Mihawk: Gasp! Could it be?
[Muwahahaha! That's right! The RQA space's insulation is made with capestone! Your pimpin' cape powers are useless here.]
Mihawk: NOOOOOOO!!!!!! (Mihawk's scary cool is lost completely. He begins to hyperventilate.)
Kohza: Would you like a paper bag to breathe in, sir? I find it helps.
(Mihawk breathes into the paper bag.)
Kohza: Look what you've done to him.
[Oh, shall I have Mihawk give you his swirly look of interest again?]
Kohza: No.
[(smugly) Right.]


Things Explained
Vivi need only wait until the end of Watermark to get all that repression out. J/k