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In the Vortex

(Ben, stoic lieutenant of manliness, is in tears.)

Ben: …I was…I was a…I was a game show host! (rounds on Shanks and grips him by the neck)

(Shanks gasps for air.)

Luffy (grins): Cool. Ace was angry. I need to think about embarrassing him more often.

Zoro: Uh oh..

(Zoro is awake and very, very concerned. He visually checks his arms and runs his hand over the back of his neck.  This seems to satisfy him.  Then he gulps nervously and looks down his shirt.  He apparently likes what he sees and sighs with relief.)

Zoro: Saved.  Waxing all
that would have been a bitch.  And my fangrrls probably wouldn't have liked it … hmm, less rabid fangrrls. 

(While Zoro ponders a happy world with less rabid fangrrls, Chopper starts to sniffle.)

Sanji: Oh please.  Not that act again.

Chopper (sniffling): It's not an act!  I'm a bluenosed reindeer.  How could anyone love…love…love me?  And…and… the universes know it and make me a monster!

(Chopper wails loudly and bursts into tears.)

Nami: You poor thing!

Vivi: Come here, Toni-kun!

(Vivi scoops him up, pressing his face right into her chest.  Nami starts scratching his head.  Chopper continues to sob dramatically, then lifts his head and surreptitiously winks at Sanji.)


(Luffy and Usopp restrain the cook while Chopper fake cries louder.)

Sanji: Mark my words, reindeer. You are dinner!

Zoro (leers evilly, but not in a sexual harassing way to the chagrin of all lurking doujinka): Settle down. Frenchie.

Sanji: I WAS NOT FRENCH!  I was Creole, dammit!

Nami: Cajun actually.

Sanji: There's a difference?

Nami: Creoles are city folk and Cajun are backwater swamp trash.

Sanji: Great.  You know, I keep getting royally screwed by the universes. 

Vivi (whispering to Zoro): Thanks for distracting Sanji-san like that. 

Zoro: Huh?

Vivi: By bringing up the French thing.

Zoro: Distract.  Right…

Usopp: If these universes piss you off, Sanji, why don't you try your hand at thinking.

Sanji (grins): Oh yeah!

Nami: Don't give him ideas, Usopp!

Random Quote Analysis

"Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Communism who?
We're the strict ones." - knock mock joke poking fun at friend's in-depth explanation of the communist system.

Nojiko: That's just lame.
[Yup.  That's why it's a knock mock joke.]
Nojiko: I wish we could sing some more. Too bad the batteries died. That'll teach you to get batteries from the dumpster behind Radio Shack.
Kohza: Yuh.
(Kohza is doing an excellent impression of a drunk person who still feels the glaring naked light of sobriety lurking at the alcohol-fogged corners of his now numb psyche.  He pops the tab of another beer and starts knockin' it back.  He finishes and belches loudly proving that he spent way too much time with Zoro.)
Nojiko (giggling): You are sooooooooo gone.
Kohza: Not gone enuf.  I can still heer yer nasal whiny voice.
Nojiko (giggling): You are sooooooooo dead.


Things Explained
Move along people.  Nothing to explain here!