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Link 6 = Assaignments


WELCOME TO AP Biology Website

Paint Branch Open House - Nov. 20, 2003 7-8:30 pm. We will be showcasing AP Bio ... details to follow

The Links on the top are explained on the left side of the screen

If you want to place a message to the class on this website please contact Greg and he will put it up on this site.

If you want to see last years site then click here.

Mrs. Leffler Says ...


Make the right decision or make the decision right!

 Insult Board

Greg: How does you like the site?

Ronak: Hi Mrs. Leffler Stop  Lunch'in

Rajib: $10 says i will have the highest grade in the class

Ali: Help me with my eyebrow!?!

Amy: I bet i can talk more than you can

John: Who wants to skip? What were the answers on the last quiz? Meet me at Wendys at 6th pd.

Chintan: Does anyone want a discount off a big gulp? Thank you, come again.

G-Boy - When are you going to be G-Man?

Anver: Like my FAKE sideburns?

David: Who will help me kill the ginny pigs? I like shopping at hot topic!!

Ben T.: $10 says i am the tallest most lankiest person

Alan: I can't get this freakin jacket off!?!?!

Surmeet: I have the answers to the next test under my ... turban

Sandeep: Anybody got a tictac because my breath STINKS!!!

 Weekly Homework
10/16 - Whatever                           10/17 - Whatever2

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