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You are Wolverine!

Name: Logan

POB: Canada

Mutant Power: A healing factor which rapidly heals most garden variety wounds and slows his ageing. Logan also has three claws protruding from each hand, these claws are part of his skeletal strucure and were coated with Adamantium during his abduction by the Weapon X Project. Wolverine also has enhanced senses of smell and hearing.

Breif Bio: Logan's past is twisted and detailed. He has been an operative for the CIA, a samurai in Japan and fought in many wars. Sometime before he joined the X-MEN he was abducted into the Weapon X Project, a secretive branch of the Canadian Government that experimented on mutants with the aim of producing super soldiers. They laced Logan's bones [including his claws] with an alloy known as Adamantium, the strongest metal known to man.

Since joining the X-MEN, Logan has ruffled the feathers of many of his teammates, most noteably Cyclops and Angel. Wolverine and Jean Grey [Cyclops' wife] have some kind of unspoken love thing going on, which causes further tension between Logan and Cyclops.

Wacky Plotline: Wolverine once had his adamantium ripped out by the villain Magneto, he barely survived and started reverting to a more beastial state. Then along came Genesis [that's Cable's evil son, not the band] who tried to give Wolverine back his metal so he could serve as a horseman to Genesis' master Apocalypse. Unfortunately, the process was interupted and instead of having his Adamantium returned Wolverine turned into a beastlike creature with no nose and shitloads of hair.

Wolverine slowly reverted back to his human form over a couple of months, after which Apocalypse kidnapped him, returned his adamantium, brainwashed him and sent him to fight the X-MEN as his horseman of death, of course with the help of his teammates he broke free of Apocalypse' brainwashing.