Gefilte Fist

Gefilte Fist

Gefilte Fist is an extreme hardcore band out of Tampa Florida that play dramatic show tunes, soaring uplifting melodies, life-affirming smooth jazz and blasphemous elevator music. That being said, you can tell that this band is not taking themselves seriously. With song titles such as "Pretty Pink Bunnies", "I Am Quite Fond Of The Excrement", "Roll On Big Momma, You Got To Keep On Rollin' On" and "Guam Is For Pussies" your ears are in for a sonic treat and some laughs.

This is music to piss off your neighbors with. Most of the songs sound like a bunny being thrown against a wall repeatedly. The emphasis on Gefilte Fist songs is the louder and more annoying the better. Also, it looks like the band is trying to record a cd that will have 500 songs on it or something! Right now their website has 40 songs on it but as i've looked at it in the past it has grown quickly. They grind out the songs at a furious pace and it makes you want to hear more and more!

Most of the Gefilte Fist songs are in the grindcore variety but they do mix it up a little by throwing some techno and industrial music into the mix as well. While they are not breaking any boundries with their music, they are highly infectious and if you can't stand it during the first listen, give it some time. Soon you will be humming along to the Gefilte Fist wall of sound, if that is even possible. Go to the Gefilte Fist website to listen to all of their 90+ songs and you will be pleasantly surprised. I can see this band going places with their "talent".

For more information,visit their website by clicking below.