
About Me

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Welcome to my website! This is a new layout that i made, It's pretty plain, but it's the most organized on that i've made so far. Right now it's still under construction, but once i'm done with it, It'll have alot of neat things, such as: information about me,which includes, my struggles,hobbies,recent acomplishments,and my role play characters!
My website will also include HTML and CSS help, for people who want to make their own websites. i will also have my friend's websites and a link to my guild! Hurray!! now i just have to make all of it.. that's the hard part..


|10.3.02|- Working on Writings section. Finally the weekend! ^_~ If you have any writings such as stories, poems, songs, or quotes you want to have posted on my site, just email me!
|10.2.02|- About me section finnished
|10.2.02|- Nothing much to say, except, new layout that i made! first one that looks so good!

What's to come

HTML/CSS help, more info about me, poems and quotes,reflections, and a collection of my own stories. I might even make a section of dolls that i made! Hehe.. lot's to do.. talking about it is the easy part.^_^

Link to my guild!


Crazey Dragon
A wonderfull graphics site! lots of backrounds, blogs, and more! A great selection!

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