Monster Destruction - Experience a whole new feeling
Monster Destruction, here, we battle with monsters, on your journey to become the BEST monster breeder ever! Your monster is your ticket to your best life ever! Raise these monsters to there highest potential and find life's hidden secret!
Staff:Majin Brolly Kuja The Dark
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Hello, welcome to Monster Destruction. Here, you will notice that we are under contsruction. Don't worry, you can still sign up to be staff, or sign up in the forums. I, Majin Brolly will do everything possible to suit your likes for thid site. We have 2 staff members so far, and i need to teach the staff to post news because it is confusing since we don't yet have a news posting program online and running.
Please sign up to be a content/media/GFX people. Note: You may have as many staff jobs as I want you to have.

Saiyan Menace  


  This site is currently: Active! Monster Destruction

  Saiyan Menace V3.0

Date: April 17, 2003

User: Majin Brolly

Title: New website URL!!!!

Well, We have a brand NEW site, supports javascript, ALLMOST ALL HTML codings, and more storage space for downloads!!! Please join our forums as soon as I get them up and running. Apply now for a job!

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