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Welcome to the placid realm of J-R-R, John's Rock Reviews.

(Please Read)

-Visit here first. It contains the goals and other information about this site.

--Request a Review!
-Feel free to request an album or song for yours truly to review. However, make
sure you read the requestion guidelines in the Introduction.

--Recent News
-What have I done to this site lately? Find out here.

Site Contents

Album Reviews
-These are obviously the main attraction of this site. 100% done by me! Request an album review here.

6-30-02--Review of Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon
7-05-02--Review of Incubus's S.C.I.E.N.C.E
7-10-02--Review of Ben Folds Five's Unauthorized Biography of Reinhold Messner
7-17-02--Review of Pink Floyd's Animals
7-20-02--Review of STP's Purple

Song Reviews
-I'll review absolutely any song in the world - rock, rap, techno, disco, polka, or Mexican folk dancing.
Request a song here.

7-03-02--Review of Mack 10's "We Can Never Be Friends"
7-03-02--Review of Oasis's "Champagne Supernova"
7-07-02--Review of Incubus's "Stellar"
7-07-02--Review of Incubus's "Shaft"
7-11-02--Review of Incubus's "Just a Phase"
7-13-02--Review of The Beatles' "Here Comes the Sun"
7-16-02--Review of The Hives' "Hate To Say I Told You So"
7-20-02--Review of Ben Folds' "Ascent of Stan"
7-28-02--Review of The Who's "Pinball Wizard"
7-28-02--Review of Cream's "White Room"
8-07-02--Review of Anti-Flag's "Stars and Stripes"
8-08-02--Review of Aerosmith's "Jaded"
8-09-02--Review of Eminem's "Without Me"

Artist Profiles
-Most of these will be done by my friend Sam. Request an artist profile by him here or send it to me
and I'll forward it on to him.

Ben Folds Five
Black Sabbath
Led Zeppelin
Pink Floyd

Guest Reviews
-This is the first new section to be added to the site! Send in your guest reviews to me and I'll put it up
on the site. You don't have to do it in the format that I do, or even rank it. This is totally done by you.

8-09-02--Guest Song Review for the Who's "Behind Blue Eyes" - by Joe

Thanks for visiting! Please come back soon and feel free to request a review. Post
any comments, complaints, or suggestions below.

About the Author
(No, I'm not going to divulge all my personal information you perverts.)

The deity who made my banner.
