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Little Rock Central High Scool 1957-1959

On September , 1957, nine black students escaped a crowd of thousands and entered into their school for their first day. These kids were famous, but the crowd wasnt there to cheer them on. The mass of people surrounding Central High School in Little Rock, AK were trying to keep these nine teenages from entering the building at any cost. This was the beginning of their first- and only- year as students at Central High School. what would ensue that year would change their lives, and the lives of many Americans around the country. The Little Rock Nine with the mayor of Little Rock, the Govenor of Arkansas, and President Clinton, outside Central High, 1997 The Little Rock Nine in 1997

On May 27, 1958, Ernest Green, the oldest of the Little Rock Nine, graduates from the school. Police, National Guard, and the Military were there, but no violence ensued, and Ernest graduated.

After many lawsuits, it finally comes to the Supreme Court to deciede the future of Central High's integration. On September 12th, 1958, the Supreme Court rules that the school must continue with its integration. That same day, then-Govenor Faubus declares that none of Little Rock's high schools will open that year- for students white and black.

Within the next few years, many court decisions would be made to deciede what happens with the Little Rock Schools. within two years, the towns school board would be redone many times, with over 11 people resigning over the three years. 8 did so of free will, three were recalled. In 1959, the schools in Little Rock re-open, and the integration continues, but without the uproar.

African-American Students who finished the year at Little Rock

Links to other Sites about the 57-58 CHS Year

Little Rock Central High 40th Anniversary
Arkansas Democrat and Arkansas Gazette
Little Rock Central High