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Rated: PG13 for violence

...Hundreds of little time. Don't be afriad, the time is so far, but yet so near. It's time you learn of your true past, the life left behind. You control more power then you could image my child-but don't be afriad....You hold the greatest power of all....

"AH!!" I screamed.

I jumped up, my vision blury, I had been sleeping the whole class period. Once my vision cleared, I saw all my classmates looking at me weird. I just smiled nervously, then put my head back down.

"Why me...what was that all about? It seemed like something out of a Jason X flick." I thought to myself.

The innercom clicked on, a voice echoed through the room louder then what my ears could take. Fliching from the sudden brust of noise, I looked up towards the com.

"Attention students and teachers, we now have a 303 in process, please escorte your students to the stadium."

Then the innercom clicked off. I let out a sigh of relefe, they hadn't had a bomb drill in ages. All the way to the stadium, the dream still haunted my mind, or was it a nightmare? I didn't know, all I could think of is that it was something important, it ment something and I couldn't put my finger on it!

Walking down the track to my 6th period letter and seat number, there was a loud explosion. It echoed through the sky, seeming like it was on my right, but when I turned to the left, I saw something that made the blue sky turn a awful black color. The explosion was like fireworks on the 4th of July, bricks and metal flew across in every direction. Teenagers scattered in every way possible, like ants on a hill. I heard another explotion from behind me, I didn't have time to react, I was in to much shock. Then, black....

" head.." I groaned rubbing the back of my head.

My right sleeve had behind ripped some, blood stained my shirt badly, the wound was to my arm, I must have been hit there when I blanked out. I stood myself up, my whole body shivering from the lose of blood and from the major head-ace I have. I looked around, nothing but fire burning and broken peices of the school everywhere. The rest of what I saw wasn't pleasent, and the smell, the smell was worse. Bodies of either dead or half dead people where everywhere, the sent of dried blood almost made me want to throw-up on the spot. I had a strong stomach though, I could take it.

"What..??" I heard something, something faint, but it was there, a voice for help.

I looked in the direction of the voice, when I spotted the voice, I saw that he was under a very heavy, large peice of metal. I made myself move towards him, I got close enough to release who it was, it was Abe, he wasn't as beat up as I was but I couldn't tell yet.

"Abe? My god, are you alright?" I looked at what kept him pinned down.

His voice was strained, "Yeah...I'm fine, just get me outta here.."

I nodded, suddenly, my arm didn't seem to hurt as much as I thought about getting him out from under that metal peice. "I'll do my best..."

I walked to the side, finding my best gripe on the thing, I started to lift it with all I had. My muscles strained and my wound started to bleed alittle, but I didn't care. I metal peice got lighter, when I looked to the other side of it, I saw Chris, then Luis help me pick it up. I didn't ask questions, just smirked then kept lifting it.

Abe crawled out from under the scrap metal, all three of us dropped the peice letting out a sigh. I knelt down by Abe and helped him up by his arm, he didn't seem to have any broken bones or major injuries like me. Once he regained his energy and was able to stand on his own, my eyes settled on Luis and Chris. I was shocked really, after the explosion, I didn't think I would see these two alive again.

"How-"I started.

"Don't ask, I found him." Luis said pointing to Chris.

"I was under a pile of bricks, Luis got me out."

"Yeah, I was lucky, all I had on me was a branch from a tree." Luis said.

I smirked, but it didn't last long, the sharp pain from my arm started to fade into reality slowly. I fliched putting my hand over it but not touching it. I almost fell over from the pain, Luis held me up with my good shoulder.

"Thanks.." I sighed out.

Chris and Luis semi-carried me over to what was left of the brick stadium. We all sat down on what little was still there. After regaining my senses, I looked out over the area. Seeing a few cop cars on fire, and some of the student's, I wondered how long we must of been out. Why would cop cars be on fire?

I ripped off what was left of my sleeve, Abe helped me wrape it around my wound, I thanked him. I knew this was going to be something much more then it alright was, something told me this is just the begining.

"Quiet.." Luis said quickly looking around alert.

"What is it?" Chris whispered.

"Someone's coming." Abe mummbled.

"Yeah, I hear them too." I said.

Standing up and hid myself behind the large rocks of the stadium, them following my lead. I could bearly make out what the four men walking towards us looked like, all I saw was men dressed in black and camo outfits. A idea came to my mind, but it was risky, too risky, but it had to be done.When they appeared straight infront of us, we all lashed out tripping them and dragging them all behind the bricks.

"This was easier then I thought, holding a couple hundered students of all types in this one school for the power to rule over this county. It ws to easy!!" A man laughed evily.

He had a english acsent, he was taller then most of the other men that stood around him. His clean- cut look made him look like a rich business man.

"Go to the stadium area! Make sure there is no one alive out there again!" He ordered waving his hand in command.

"Right Zen." All the men said.

Everyone of the man turned through 5 doors on the right side. Only 3 others stayed in the room, they typed away on a mainframe mother board. It was used and stationed in the school by the plateo outside the stage. A metal housing covered the station completly.

Zen watched the monitors click from differnt angles, till it reached four people he didn't reconise in being in his flet. He pushed a button and zoomed in on the one in the very front. The persons eyes were narrowed, even for having blue eyes, fire was seen in them.

"I know those eyes..." He growled thinking to himself.

We reached the inside of the school by the doors leading as the back way towards the gym. Brick peices were everywhere you looked, some places in the are were still on fire as well. Rage filled my mind, why would someone want to do this? What force of evil would kill so many people? So many innocent people..

I snapped out of my train of though as we came to the plateo. Abe had shook me lightly, when I relised what I was looking at was real, my anger slowly turned to fear, I couldn't be, why now?

"Looks like someone had this planed." Luis whispered.

"Damn straight...someones gonna pay." Chris growled.

"I wonder what that thing is for." Ade woundered outloud.

"Its a computer base.." I said weakly.

They looked at me surprised, not mostly because of me knowing what it was, but because of my voice change.

"A what?" Ade questioned.

"It holds a computer mother board, I bet it controls everything going on now.."I answered.

Right then, we heard yelling echoing down the hallway, we have been spotted.

"Shit!" Luis yelled.

"Comeon! we got ot get out of here and quick!" I yelled.

I turned to my right and started to run, they didn't question my yelling, they followed. As I ran up the steps, my foot floating over complet blackness. I didn't know what to do, I froze in my tracks as the wind rush past me as I fell into completly blackness....

"Ugh...what happend?" I groaned, opening my eyes.

My vision ajusted, and what I saw took my breath away, I was laying in a field. The sent of differnt types of flowers filled my lungs. I couldn't move, the sight was to stunning.

"I see you have awoken..." The voice was soothing, and most calming, but also took me by surprise.

My head snaped around looking at where the voice came from. Now this, this was more unbelieveable then the feild. What I saw before me was a white human like Dragon, differnt types of gems covered its body as if they grew on the dragon.

"I know you are confused and afriad, but calm yourself, My name is Draco, I am the God of the Sky, White Draco." He explained to me.

My body loosened, I didn't see much of a threat, nore feel one, but was still jumpy to the fact that the word 'God' came up.

"Your friends are alright as well, they have been captured but are alright, as for you..." A small light of aqua blue formed in its hand. "You still need this to over come your arising dangers..make sure you give some to your friends as well, I will be watching over you.."

The light floated towards me, I touched it, it was warm. The light exsorbs into my skin, I felt something from this that made me flich, but I couldn't tell what it was.

"God speed my young friend..." The dragon said before I felt my body fall backwards.

I felt into water, but I was able to breath, my eyes kept closed, I let my body fall to the bottom of the water.

"Tell me where your other friend is!!!!!" Zen yelled kicking Chris in his side.

Chris couphed up blood, he body was beat and burised. He was tied to a chair as well as Luis and Abe.

"Go to hell!" Chris choked out growling.

Zen growled in furustration, he was getting no where and fast. He remember who that person was, the one with a firie blue eyes. It was the granddaughter of the man that put him in jail for this type of thing 30 years ago. It was time for revenge.

I woke again in the same place I dissppeard from earlier. Did I hit my head on something? Was it all a dream? Standing up, i felt the same weird power pressences as I did in the so called "Dream", maybe it wasn't one after all.

I didn't see Luis, Chris or Abe around, but I did see foot-prints. I looked closered, I put my hand on the wall as I stood up for support. I saw 6 differnt sets of foot-prints, there was a sturggle here. I narrowed my eyes, the anger came back, this time stronger but more controlled.

A montior peeped on, Zen turned his head looking towards it. He smirked, what he saw pleased him very much.

"No..." Luis whiserped.

I stood infront of the metal housing that stood before me, I knew they were in there, I had to find a way to get them out without killing anyone. Fear started to mix with my anger, it made a powerful force within myself, as it has many times before, but not like this.

"Welcome Jamie.." Zen's voice came over the innercom to the school echoing into my ears.

"How are you!? What have you done with my friends?!" I yelled looking around.

"Right behind you."

I turned around and saw them laying on the ground brused but alright. I ran to them helping them help the best I can, when I touched them, the energy the White Draco gave me trasnfered into them, little by little.

"As for my name, its Zen.." The voice growled.

My eyes widened, I remember my grandfather talking about him at on time. He said he was a killer among killers, one of the hards to track and bring down.

"I see you know of me, now listen to me, I will get my revenge, starting with you!"

My heart beat increased quickly, the smell of blood came into the air.

"Jamie, whats going on?!" Luis yelled.

I couldn't speak, it couldn't be....There was a loud roar, one of pure demon and creature of the darkness.

"Raptor..The Darkness way.." I whispered.

They heard me just fine, they didn't believe me at first, I wouldn't either. Not till a shadowy figur appeard on the roof jumping down infront of them. It stood a good 10ft over us, its tail slamed into the ground breaking the cement below it. We all looked at the creature as it stepped into the night, the demon had white razor sharp teeth. It mock our fear with a smirk over it pure, shining ,black smooth skin.

I looked into it eyes, suddenly, I didn't seem so afraid, the werid feeling I had began to make sense. From the looks of it, it had begun to make sense to the others as well. "I know what to do.." I whispered in my mind.

"Close your eyes and clear your mind." I commanded to them, I had to be firm, they had to listen. "Let the feeling you have take control..."

They didn't argue, they did what I said. I closed my eyes as well. I felt the power over come my fear, anger, and nervousness. I saw in my mind the power begining to form into the aqua ball it first was in. Then I saw myself standing in the middle of it, I saw the others beside me, we held the power between ours hands.

I opend my eye quickly, putting my hands up the ball forming bewteen them. "The quicker...the better.." I though outloud.

The others did the same as well, they looked just as pissed off as I did, they have caused my pain and suffuring then what was really needed now. There was no way all the lives that were taken away could be brought back to live now. Nothing could be changed, only remembered.

The aqua color started to change in my hands, it turned into black with purple lighting seen mixing with it. Raptor leaped at us all his claws growing causing blood to come out of his fingers. "The hell with you.." I growled.

The power from all of us exploded into one connecting with the middle of Raptor's body. All that was seen around them started to move away from the increase of wind. We stood as if never touched as the power took its course, our eyes with more anger and pride showed through. Nothing will change the past, we can only protect it......

26 months later-

The school was rebuilt. Better then it was before. The law had put Zen of jail for life, the other things the law had planed I didn't want to know, I had my share of death for the time being. Luis, Abe, Chris and me desided that we would stick together is anything like this would happend again. That night had changed us all, for the better. We became smarter, quicker, and more stronger then we have ever been. The power we used that night still remained, but it was kept secret.....

Return to Armenia
Chapter 2