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Ummm.... well there's not going to be much here until i find a decent editor, because I'm no "codehead" and I don't want to be. Until then sorry for this piece of crap.... And you can check out some of the quizzes I took.

In medieval Europe, dragons were considered mostly evil and a generally bad omen. Christianity linked the dragon with Satan because of the dragon's snake-like appearance. However, to the Orient cultures the dragon was a symbol of wisdom and royalty. It was a benign animal and the fifth creature of the Chinese zodiac. It resided over the east and the sunrise. It was also said to bring rain and the springtime. The dragon is interesting because it combines all four elements: air, earth, fire, and water. It could fly, had the horns of a ox, breathed fire, and resided over the moon.
What mythical beast best represents you?Take the quiz!

:: how jedi are you? ::

I'm completely down-to-earth! Find your soul type at
You're A Hero! You live to save the world! You are honest, true,
and always victorious! You may not always get
the girls/boys, but all you really want to do
is battle the bad guys.
What Type Of Anime Character Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
I'm Cubbi!
I'm Cubbi Bear. Which Gummi Bear are You? by ClicksandBuzzes

Total slaughter...
Find out what anime bad boy you are.

Find out what anime girl you are.

Find out what bishonen you are.

Find out what anime character cliche you are.

What fuzzy creature are you?
sex appeal

(results contain pictures) What kind of ANIME BOOBS do you have? brought to you by Quizilla

You Are An Intense Kisser!


What is your reason for suicide?(with images) brought to you by Quizilla
Lucifer: Angel of the starlight, you are often
confused with being evil in your quiet
contemplations... Underneath it all you are
actually the most beautiful angel of all, and
God likes u more... the others are just
jealous. What do they know anyways.

Which Angel Lays Within You? brought to you by Quizilla
You are a seductive vampire. You lurer your
victims to you with your looks, and possibly have no conscience when it comes to
killing them...

What Kind Of Vampire Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
the Withered Lover
The Withered Lover

What sign of the Black Zodiac are you? brought to you by Quizilla

I amGreat Cthulhu!

"And for them shall be set the greatest of the Star-Spawned, and he shall be their Priest!" or so it is written in the Grimiore Helesh Nasheed. The being known as Great Cthulhu is the intermediary between the aspirant and the other great powers. He is envisioned as a towering giant with an eight-tentacled face. His prodigious corpus is shrouded in wicked shadows cast by his chiropteran wings. We believe he rests dreaming beneath this world's oceans emitting dreams to his chosen. The time of his awakening is known.

Which Great Old One are you?

:: how nintendo are you? ::
you're so dumb
you are the "you're so dumb" happy bunny.
you are brutal in your words and enjoy putting
others down.

which happy bunny are you? brought to you by Quizilla
You are MEIER LINK from "Vampire Hunter D :

ANIME QUIZ - Which Anime Vampire Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Artiste: You are the true Artiste. Your ability has
been endowed with the mixed blessings of
immortality, and you're determined not to waste
it. The beauty of your work should last the

Vampire: The Masquerade -- What Toreador are you? brought to you by Quizilla
You are Neo
You are Neo, from "The Matrix." You
display a perfect fusion of heroism and

What Matrix Persona Are You? brought to you by Quizilla

What in a cemetery are you? by FictionalVixen.