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Iron Crosses are really cool

Iron Crosses are really cool because:

Hi, this is my new site about iron crosses. Iron crosses are crosses, and usually made out of iron. They are so cool that sometimes it hurts my head and I don't know why. Sometimes after I hit myself in the head with a hammer sometimes, i like to pee on my feet. It feels like someone besides myself is peeing on my feet so much that sometimes i forget that it's actually me peeing on my feet. I like to drink powerade and listen to trendy punk-rock music, because I am a serious rebel. Sometimes after my mom makes my bed, I say "I like chicken nuggets" and she says "okay honey". Then I feel good inside. Like someone sprinkled magic sand all over me and said "Pixie dust, Pixie dust, magical dreams" before I went to sleep. After I listen to my favorite band New Found Glory, I like to watch people skateboard (I'm learning it myself), and then I cry at pictures of bananas. I hope you've enjoyed my thorough discussion of Iron Crosses, which are so cool.