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ICE DIAMONDS 2004 Synchro Mini-Camp & Auditions

The Ice Diamonds Synchronized skating organization will be holding mini-camp for skaters interested in team skating. All club and Learn To Skate members are welcome. LTS skaters that have passed the Basic 4 level or higher may participate. Join us and see what synchronized skating is all about! Please note: Auditions do not guarantee placement on the team. Teams will be determined by age and number of participants as set forth by the USFSA guidelines. Fundraising is available to defray monthly costs for competitive teams. Please notify the Director with audition date conflicts in advance.

    Age 11 and younger by July 1, 2004
    Camp DatesApril 3,1011:15 - 12:15pm
    Camp DatesApril 173:15 - 4:15pm
    Camp DatesApril 2511:15 - 12:15pm
    AuditionsMay 13:15 - 4:15pm
    Age 12 and older by July 1, 2004
    Camp DatesApril 3,1011:15 - 12:15pm
    Camp DatesApril 174:15 - 5:15pm
    Camp DatesApril 2512:15 - 1:15pm
    AuditionsMay 211:45 - 1:15pm
Mini-camp - $20.00 per session
Audition with camp - $50.00, without camp $75.00

The mini-camp will consist of Power Stroking with Baiba (4/17 & 4/25), aerobics, skill building, the 5 basic elements of synchro and presentation. If you have any questions regarding the program, please contact Colleen Wade, Program Director at 440-974-5730 email. Walk-ons welcome.
(Due to the cost of ice time and coaching fees, no refunds will be given.)

Ice Diamonds Entering their 7th season

The Ice Diamonds are approaching their 7th season in the synchronized skating world. With this being the fastest growing discipline in the world of Figure Skating, we are offering this team sport to the young basic skill skater, all the way through to the gold medal skater. Our goal is to offer a synchronized program to any skater who wants to learn, and skate with a team. Through team work, and coaching, we will introduce you to the great sport of synchronized skating, and help keep you in the sport of figure skating all the way through your adult life if you choose to skate. Come see what all the excitement is about, check out the world of synchronized skating.

                                                                                                                            Colleen Wade

2002-2003 Team

Youth Intro 2003-2004

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Site last updated 04/13/04