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SaRaH's HoMe

SePteMbeR 11th
ReAl liFe eMoTicoNs

Hellllllllo iTs SARAH, tHiS is mY hoMe ...... s0 puLl uP a sEaT anD mAke y0urSelF coMforTabLe. ThIs siTe iS aBouT ME (well duh) aNd loTs of oTheR "random" (my word of the month) sTufF. YoU WilL n0tIce thT rUbBisH bIns aRe sItuAteD aT tHe eNd oF eAch asLe -pLeaSe d0nT hEsiAte 2 uSe tHeM ****ENJOY****
Take the What High School Stereotype Are You? quiz, by Angel.
