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Quote of the Day: "YES! Yes, we got M&Ms!" - Cimino

About Panda
Real Name:
Mikey McFall
Age: 17
DoB: 2/11/88
Height: 5'10
Weight: 110

Panda's Faves
Favorite Music:
- orchestrative (particularly violin)
- "Stories to Tell" by Trigun
- "Heaven" by Trigun

Favorite Books:
- Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster
- The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy by Tim Burton
- The Bible by God

Favorite Movies:
- The Matrix
- Princess Mononoke
- The Rejected Cartoons

Favorite Shows:
- Trigun
- House
- Bleach
- Arrested Development
- The Simpsons
- American Dad
- Family Guy


Panda's Interests:
My Interests:
Philosophy, Art, Practical Jokes
What I Like to Do:
Draw, daydream, talk to friends, rinse wash and repeat.
My Faith: Christianity (though I'm rather cynical), and I have some Buddhist practices

Panda's Associates
Chris F.
Chris S.
Well, it seems you've made it to the Panda's 'my space'. Enjoy your stay, feel free to come back, and remove your shoes before entering. Thank you.
Want to send me an email?
Or talk? keymakerprogram(AIM), weissveritas(Yahoo IM)

May 15, 2005 - Click here NOW

March 24, 2005 - It's been just a little over a month since I last updated this. Well, more articles are up, and videos. Enjoy!

Feb 23, 2005 - The Goliath picture is almsot done. I better get some extra credit for this. Oh, notice the buttons on the top. And more music added to the Jukebox Page.

Feb 21, 2005 - Green Day's Boulevard of Broken Dreams has been added to Panda Jukebox. Also, here's another result of a character quiz:
Nicholas D. Wolfwood - Caretaker of an orphanage full of children, Wolfwood follows Vash on his quest to find his brother, Knives. Wolfwood admires Vash and readily admits that Vash is everything he is not. Although he calls himself a man of God, Wolfwood has no compugtion about taking the lives of others, and only refrains from doing so out of respect for Vash. Secrety, Wolfwood is a member of the Gung-ho guns and must kill Vash to save the lives of the children at his orphanage. In the end, Wolfwood learned that there is hope and people can learn to work together.

Trigun character Quiz
brought to you by Quizilla

Feb 20, 2005 - Constantine is a good movie. Go see it. It could though, be named as either Neo's New Movie, or The Other Wolfwood. It doesn't rely on a big action sequence to finish off the movie and leave you feeling you haven't wasted your time. Instead, it takes a higher road, one of dignity, love, and spiritual truth. To read my full article on Constantine, click here.

Feb 15, 2005 - I will be starting a running collection of panda-related articles. Here is the first of many: Nazi Panda?

Feb 13, 2005 - I won medals at Decathalon, wee. 3rd place in History, Art, Economics and Essay. 1st place in Music. We just might make it to nationals, sweet. As most of you know, I'm a fan of japanese anime, and just for kicks I thought I would post results of character quizes I took.
Naruto naruto
Which Naruto Character are You?
Test by

More later.

Feb 7, 2005 - Eric has been hacked, lol. Go to to see. Sasha looked good tonight in the make-up and dress. I wish there was some way I could be in more constant contact with her, but unfortunately I only see her at Eric's events (plays, Comedy Sportz, etc.) One day, maybe.

Feb 1, 2005 - Panda Theater has been renovated! More clips have been added for your enjoyment! GO! Watch! Tell others, and enjoy!

Feb 2, 2005 - While I stood for 3 hours, Hannah sat in a chair. Wee. e__e
Panda Theater's "renovations" happened and then didn't. If that makes any kind of sense. Which it doesn't. ... yeah.

Jan 31, 2005 - My driving instructor has ADD. Not a good thing. More songs added to Panda Jukebox

Jan 30, 2005 - School starts tomorrow. Wee. Btw, SAT class itself is allright, but all the tests and homework that go with it suck. Oh, visit the Panda Jukebox. Only one song so far, but many more to come!

Jan 28, 2005 - Tomorrow, I start my first day at ELITE Educational Center. An SAT school. Class begins at 9 and ends at 6. I'll get a one hour lunch break at 12 to talk to insociable Koreans. Fun, fun, fun. What's a panda like me to do.

Jan 26, 2004 - Finally got X-Box Live, Huzzah! My Gamer Tag is "NikolasWolfwood". I hate rocket launchers. I love a SMG and pistol.

Jan 22, 2005 - Want to play Pac-Man? Play Pac-Man

Jan 18, 2005 - Parents said XBox Live after finals are over, translates to Tuesday afternoon. Sweet. The tag "Panda" has been taken, but not "The Panda", so I'll probably be using that. Cimino recommended "Panjer", but that's a little too inside joke-ish. Visit

Jan 16, 2005 - Not much to say. Nothing but school work and studying from now til Finals. Bleh.

Jan 14, 2005 - I might just get to see Sarah this weekend, Huzzah! Only problems are:
- She leaves on Sunday, which basically x's that and leaves Saturday.
- Cimino has Driver's Ed on Saturday from 8 - 4.
So that basically qualifies this as a dinner thing. I know - Olive Garden! And did I mention that the cure to cancer, cleaner teeth and healthy nostrils is found in melted, glue-paste fruit snacks?

Jan 12, 2005 - Stuart and the Balloon Man is available to watch in PANDA THEATER

Jan 12, 2005 - I just spent 4 hours counting envelopes. So.... f'ing boring. I tried to find amusement from the reading material around me. I was working in a library after all. All I found were multiple copies of "History of Steel Making". That was God's insult to injury right there. One good thing has come from this day: I ordered the Rejected DVD. YES!!

Jan 11, 2005 - Don Hertzfeld's AH L'AMOUR has been added to the PANDA THEATER. Btw, I passed my permit test. Third time's the charm!

Jan 10, 2005 - Whatever, I all ready made an entry, but I had to make this important:
Panda Theater is Now Open!!! Check it out at PANDA THEATER

Jan 10, 2005 - I just finished studying for the driver's permit test. 3rd times the charm, right? I started watching 24. It's good. I wish I had started watching it earlier. Looks like the Cripple was right about something :P Here's the site: It's too bad House isn't going to be on for another couple of weeks. Good show, you should all watch.

Jan 9, 2005 - My grades are doing all right this semester, yes! Currently, they are:
Hey, it's better than Nick's doing : P Anyhow, sorry about the delays in updates, Angelfire has been booting me out lately. Those darn people! I'll scrub their nub hooks clean. Yes, I've read Bobby Neurotic, which you can check out at Bitter Films. The link is at the bottom, click on the Rejected button. Hilarious stuff. And without further ado:

Jan 5, 2005 - Well it's about time angelfire started working again. Geez. Well, I've been pretty wrapped up in stuff to do. Like the following:
- violin practice
- VK
- articles
- school

Dec 27, 2004 - Christmas was great! I got an X-BOX, Halo 2, great color pencils, comic strip collections, and money. By the way, don't forget to check out the Trigun and Christianity article . Still working on the Wolfwood section. Other things I've been up to are writing the Bleach articles for Pojo (which I'll be posting here in the Bleach section), writing my article on Video Games and Young People (part of a contest), and working on T.M.R. (on page 110! Yes!).

Dec 23, 2004 - I got... THEE worst haircut today. Ever. I mean, what the hell?! It like, looks heavy on the top, but basically shaven the rest of the way down- and the top is lopsided. Lopsided! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, AND ALL THAT IS HOLY - MY HAIR IS LOPSIDED!

Dec 22, 2004 - Almost done with my Christmas shopping. This is what I got people:
Aaron: My $2 gift certificate for Baskin Robbins. What? I'm not cheap. I cherished that gift certificate. >__>
Eric: The first 20 issues of Spiderman. For $12 too.
Cimino: I kinda felt bad that everyone else got real presents except him, so I got him a Gir wristband thingy. The Fat Man wasn't enough.
Myself: Volume 4 of Bleach.

Dec 21, 2004 - I watched a samurai movie today, Gojoe. Worst subtitling ever, but still hilarious. Example of bad subtitling:
*guy's head gets sliced off by black man, he screams, but no subtitle*
*5 mintues later, black man is facing another guy, all is silent*
*subtitle comes on "AAAAAAHHH!"*
I'll post some stuff about the movie now. By the way, House is a great show, watch it Tuesdays, 9:00 on Fox.

Dec 20, 2004 - Christmas tree is up. Had to put it up myself, first time. My Trigun/Christianity article is available for viewing. Just scroll down and click the Trigun button. You can click the Rejected button to go to the site, and the Oyster Boy one to read the book. There's also now a 'Friends' page.

Dec 19, 2004 - Today, the sky was so incredibly blue. The sun shone magnificently. I found a great spot to lay on my back, eat potato chips and look at it. It was so peaceful. I love it. I hope Heaven is that way, green grass, a clear blue sky and a warm bright sun. I know the Bible says there will be no sun, because God will be enough light, but one can dream.

Rejected Cartoons




Death of Oyster Boy