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Words of Thanks(giving) 12/1/02

Scott and I had a wonderful time visiting with family this Thanksgiving.
A BIG thanks goes out to Kevin for opening up his home to all of the gang, and even going to the extreme of putting on a suit for an entire 5 minutes to shut me up! I included the picture above for those of you who might have missed this brief moment in history (looking GOOD Kevin!).

Another thanks goes out to all of you who endured my seemingly-endless photo sessions. I ended up with close to 200 photos, most fairly decent. I have begun the process of editing and cropping.

At left there is a link to the photos. I have not included all of the "series" for each family, just the best 1-2 of each. I have ALL the full size copies saved and will mail each family a CD, just send me EMAIL to let me know which photos you would like (include shipping address). The photo CD can then be viewed on your computer, and/or taken to any photo shop to have prints made of the ones you want (Walmart or Costco has the best pricing, about 25 cents per photo).
You can also take the CD to one of those do-it-yourself photo machines in Target, Walgreens, etc. and print pictures within minutes at about $5.00 per 8x10 sheet of photos.

You might want to also save these small photos (right click for options) to your computer to use until your CD arrives.
They are fun to email to friends, attach to a holiday newsletter, or use as profile pictures, etc.

I hope you enjoy looking through the pictures as much
as I enjoyed taking them. It really is a fun hobby for me, just like making this webpage is (although Scott has barely seen me since we walked in the door yesterday). Lastly, I added up my receipts and I have $150 BIG ONES coming back in rebates from Friday mornings' purchases (i.e. free stuff!!)....well worth the loss of sleep!!

Can't wait to see you all again soon!
If you ever want to visit, we have a nice guest room and plenty of space. The jacuzzi is especially enjoyable on cold winter evenings while sipping a glass of wine (or two or three!).

Pamela & Scott