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Updated : October 31, 2002

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The scarabaeus, or dung beetle can be found in many parts of the world, though we tend to identify them with ancient Egypt.
They are scavengers, which feed on dung and other decaying organic matter, and play an invaluable role in keeping the veld clean. The ancient Egyptians revered them as a symbol of renewed life.
They are small to large, usually stout-bodied, and are easily recognized by the 3 to 7 segmented fan-like antennal club. Their legs are powerful, particularly the front legs, which are armed with teeth on the outer edge. In some species the legs are adapted to rolling balls of dung to a suitable soft spot, and for digging holes in which the dung is buried. The buried dung serves as a source of food for adult beetles, and also for the larvae when they hatch from eggs laid on the dung-balls. The larvae, also called 'white grubs', are greyish-white to bluish-white in color, C-shaped, and also feed on decaying organic matter, such as tree stumps, and the roots of plants.
The Egyptian word for beetle is Kheper, and the deity who takes his name from the creature and is represented as a beetle, is Kheper, He of the Beetle. Kheper also means 'To Be', to exist, therefore Kheper can also mean the Existent One.
Scarabs get their resurrection and imortality status from when they lay their eggs in the dead body of another scarab, and then the new one emerges, giving the illusion of a resurrection.

In the first dynasty, scarabs were worn as amulets, and the underside of the scarab was carved flat so it could be inscribed with magickal designs and names.
In the middle kingdom the designs on the bottom of the scarabs became more intricate and mainly were used for magickal reasons.
By the new kingdom, Gods and Goddesses names were seen, as well as the magickal designs from the past. So many of these were found that it has made egyptologists believe that the scarab was given out almost like a souvenir.

You will find most scarabs are blue or green in color, and can be made from a variety of media, from stone, to gold.

A scarab made for a mummy is not made the same way as one for an amulet. On the underside, a full set of legs are carved out, not flat for inscribing. The idea was that a real scarab would help you to resurrect, not an amulet.

This site first posted and dedicated to the Gods and Goddesses on 10-31-02
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