In the vast wastelands of Fort Erie Ontario, with modern day pop punk and hardcore ghetto rap on the rise there emerged a band like no other, a band that would challenge the trendy mind set of children today, a band that would play for the pursuit of good and happiness in an otherwise unhappy youth culture, a band that would change the world today as we know it..

Next Show is April 10th at Club Italio 5:30, Pics of the Last Show are up as well!

Down In Flames is Brent Nicholls, Grant Klacko, Will Burgess, Matt Deschamps, and Franz-Paul Stefanik. We were established on August 12th 2002 when a mission to buy cat food had gone horribly wrong. The original concept was to play all music from 1996(the best year in music) having Grant on the drums. Will on guitar and Brent playing bass and singing. After that plan had went Down In Flames a new band and a new name were spawned. We picked our drummer Matt next who added a lot to the band and then we started playing some punk songs, our first being Goldfinger's 99 Red Balloons. As time went on we started switching up instruments a bit more. Since Matt was now our drummer, Grant was now playing guitar, bass and even trumpet. Whereas  Will and Brent would alternate between bass and guitar. After playing for a couple months with this set up, we then realized we needed more brass for certain songs that we played, and so we  recruited trumpet player Dan Heckman to the mix. Then when we thought we could have no more  Franz-Paul Stefanik came along with his mighty saxophone and the hits just keep on coming. At this point we began to get a good sound going and we feel we are ready to pursue our goal of bringing this town Justice for all, Peace and Harmony and above all fine quality SKA!

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