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Dud & Bud Comics

Comics Pages

Issue Talk (Q & A)
First Dud and Bud Issue (Hi, Hi, Hi)
Second Dud and Bud Issue (The Game)
Third Dud and Bud Issue (The Race)
Fourth Dud and Bud Issue (Bomb Squad)
Fifth Dud and Bud Issue (Lighten up the Christmas Tree)
Sixth Dud and Bud Issue (Gone Hunting)
Seventh Dud and Bud Issue (School)
Eight Dud and Bud Issue (Staring Contest)
Nineth Dud and Bud Issue (Sumo Wrestling)
Tenth Dud and Bud Issue (Bad Breath)
Eleventh Dud and Bud Issue (Hi Explosives)
Twelveth Dud and Bud Issue ( DBZ DREAM)
Thirteenth Dud and Bud Issue ( Bad Luck)
Fourteenth Dud and Bud Issue (Skate Boarding)
Fifthteenth Dud and Bud Issue (Dud The Stick Figure)

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