Unusual Materials Found Embedded In Abductees

One of the most defining qualities of an Alien Abduction encounter, is the witnesses accounts concerning an all over body examination using strange looking Alien machinery. In some rare cases, the Aliens will actually "Implant" something in to the abductee and release them back with the implant still present in their body.

             In many cases, the implant is quite noticeable to the victim, and can either be removed or extracted using surgical means. In other instances however, the victim remains completely unaware of the implant's presence in their body, and as a result the object ends up being there for sometimes years on end. As to the purpose of these implants we can only guess - some suggest that they are devices through which the Aliens can receive data transmitted back to them through some form of highly developed organic transmitter. Some believe that the implants are careless leftovers from Alien surgery, although this would seem inappropriate for such an apparently advanced species.

            One case of interest later involved a woman who found a large piece of plastic suddenly fall from her eye when she was at lunch. This was later linked to a previous Alien abduction experience, the hypothesis from which suggested that the object was solely for the purpose of allowing the aliens to "see" through the woman's eyes. One point of interest in relation to this however suggests that such an advanced species would really have no need for such a method of reconnaissance - to an advanced Alien race such a process could be considered almost old-fashioned.

                There have been a whole variety of strange objects and devices removed from abductees over the years, some of which can not be identified at all by modern science. Many of these are constructed of a strange indestructible substance which appears to have a cross between organic and non-organic composition. Some of the implants are small T-Shaped devices which have no obvious purpose at all, whereas others are found to have been inserted into many of the body's sensory organs such as the nose and ear passageways. In all such cases however, the ultimate purpose of such implants is ultimately impossible to judge.
The Aliens And The Scalpel : Scientific Proof Of Extra Terrestrial Implants In HumansBy Roger. K. Leir

Dr. Kenneth Ring An engrossing and compelling account of the research for hard evidence of extraterrestrial involvement in human affairs--and bodies. If Leir's evidence means what he thinks it does, it has soul-shattering cosmological and religious implications. In any event, Aliens and the Scalpel deserves careful consideration from scientists and lay persons alike who, like Leir, are drawn to seek out the physical traces apparently left behind, like so many tantalizing clues, by the elusive phenomenon we all seek to understand--UFOs.


If You Haven't Got Your Implant Go To Love City!!!