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Susan welcomes you to Meredith Willson's The Music Man!

Welcome to my bang-beat, bell-ringin', big-haul, great-go, neck-or-nothin',
rip-roarin', ever'-time-a bull's-eye web page!!

This web site was made out of the deepest respect and regard for Meredith Willson and everyone else even remotely associated with "The Music Man" - the movie or theatrical presentation. This is a personal fan site and if I am breaking any copyright laws it was not my intent. I fully support Warner Bros., Rosemary Willson and The Mason City Foundation in their rights. Although I have included pictures of memorabilia, I have chosen not to include any midis or lyrics out of respect to that copyright.

To everyone who helped make this web page possible and encouraged me to take the leap of faith in being my own webmaster I deeply appreciate all the help you have given me.

River City.. next station stop.. River City... er...
Rock Island Train


The Music Man Score2000 Broadway Revival CastOriginal Cast 1957 BroadwayOriginal Soundtrack 1962 FilmVHS Movie also in Widescreen and DVDMeredith Willson:The Unsinkable Music Man
In Association with

The Classic Movie and Musical Theatre Web RingThis Classic Movie and Musical Theatre
site is owned by Susan.

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This "limited appeal" page is protected by Charlie Cowell... Anvil Salesman
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