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10.22.03// This site design uses special PS Brushes nabbed from When you use this template you may include a linkback to if you so choose. This would be a nice gesture of kindness to my friend. Thanks to you.

10.18.03// Place your site news here place your site news here place your site news here. Place your site news here. Place your site news here place your site news here.

Looking for something in particular? Try searching for it here.

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  10.31.03// This section is intended to talk about upcoming movies in the horror genre or related. Maybe suspense or thriller in addition to your garden variety "slice and dice" feature films. You should also include any related links to viewer guides and such.

10.30.03// Discuss which movies will be played especially for Halloween and whether they will be for cable viewers, on regular television, and which new films will be released in movie theatres nationwide.

10.23.03// Let your visitors know when there fav "slasher flick" will be played and where. Make sure to include time zones so that your visitors will know exactly when to tune in.
  10.31.03// Place information about any related music, soundtracks, books, poetry collections or what have you in this area. Let your visitors know any release dates for products listed. Be sure to include any related links or links to the products also.

10.26.03// Place any information about musical artists, movie soundtracks, horror books, dark poetry, or anything you like in this area. Make sure you include the site links where your visitors can purchase or read more about the products you discuss here.


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