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Realm of Silence
Update 18/01/2017 Well, first update in 13 years. I was a bit strange back in the day.
I cleared a lot of the old pages out - kept the original front page but deleted all the old pages. I've removed my personal info because... well this is the internet. The only reason this page exists is for nostalgia since I created this back in like... 2001. Next update will be in...2027ish...maybe - Plus, I think a total of 3 people may have ever seen this site.
!!!UPDATE!!! 27/1/04
MAJOR Update!!! As you can see I have changed the design of the site. it's currently 3:30am, I'm quite bored, and I feel the need for a change of tone. I will rename the old site, but I will make a link to it, why? I don't know... why not? YEAH ANSWER ME THAT BITCH! :P

Well.... have a look, tell me what u think... what it needs, etc. 

I feel that I need to make something of myself online, rather than having this page sit around with no purpose, I will make it useful. by putting reviews about games, music and other stupid shit.  
As a lot of you are aware, I work for a company called W3B Design. Basically a Web designing company based in Parramatta. But don't worry, the stuff done by W3B is professionally done, unlike this shit. :P I'll put links to sites done by W3B Design, and stuff concerning it. I will also put shit about Dominos, concerns, problems, news, stupid shit I have to put up with, blah blah... :P
Don't know what to put under this subheading... maybe new stuff in my life?
as I said, don't know what to put under this subheading, so either give me an idea or shut the fuck up.