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Daphne's Zone

Hi everyone! I created this site to showcase my developing HTML skills... but they stopped developing more quickly than I anticipated and so it looks really lame and I forgot about it for a long, long time. I don't really know exactly why I'd like to revamp it because it was never that interesting to begin with. I guess I just don't like knowing that there are these pages out there stagnating because I'm too lazy to try and do better. I've recently determined to really learn web design so I can market myself better, so maybe I'll use this to try and improve my skills. You never know, though. I may forget about it again and it will just rot out here in cyberspace for another three years. Are you still reading this? Man, you must be really bored. Anyway, as I try to get all this stuff updated and looking pretty, there will likely be a lot of broken links and pictures that don't load. Just bear with me.

So.... Where would you like to go?

Results of Quizzes I've Taken
... and links to where you can take them, as well.
Pssst... or you can cheat and go to each page!
Page 2
Page 3
Page 4
Page 5
Page 6
Page 7

My Favorite Songs!

Shout-Outs to My Friends

The Book Page

Games I Like


My Favorite Links!

Inside Jokes

The Shrine of the Fallen Sparrow

macyd2003 got their Neopet at