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<TITLE>Hot Art: This is your site if you like art....and you like it HOT!


cReAtEd By CrAiG gRiScO & jOsH vIoLa

Note: If errors have been made... others will be blamed.

This site was created to show off some great art work and to let you know a little something about us and our interests. Most of the art here was done by Monte Moore, who works with Josh's parents at the company Maverick Ranch. You can purchase his work at his site. The rest of the work was done by Josh, Craig and friends. Sorry Jason, but most of the pictures here are of women, so you may want to go to another site. Thank you for visiting! Now...sit back...relax...and...ENJOY!


Counter E-mail- Josh E-mail- Craig

Check out Monte Moore's art at his site:
