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Pallet Town At the begginning of the game you start out in Pallet town. Leave the house that you begin in and explore the town. Then go North to the bushy path. Proffessor Oak. will stop you and take you to his lab. You will meet your rival (Zack,etc.) Prof. Oak will tell you to take the ball from the table, but then Zack will take it. Don't worry, just talk to Prof. Oak and he will give you Picachu. Then go North into the path between Pallet Town and Viridian City. Keep North untill you come to the city. The first thing to do is go to the Pokč Mart and take the package (Oak's Parcel)from the caschier and take it to the Professor. He will give you the Pokčdex. -------------------------------------------------------
Viridian City-Viridian Forest Walkthrough