Monty Python

1-2-5.wav 102kb - "1 - 2 - 5! Three Sir! Three! (some singing and then a load bang)."
alright1.wav 33kb - "You put your sword right through his head! Oh dear, is he alright?"
blkknt.wav 121kb - An exchange between King Authur and the "Invincible" Black Knight.
bringded.wav 572kb - The whole "Bring Out Your Dead" scene.
calmetim.wav 141kb - "By what name are you known? There are some who call me ... Tim."
eatminst.wav 174kb - The eating of Robin's Minstrels.
goodidea.wav 33kb - "Good idea oh Lord. Of course it's a good idea."
gotbettr.wav 90kb - "What makes you think she is a wicth? Why she turned me into a newt! A newt? I got better."
hamster.wav 234kb - "Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elderberries."
icki.wav 70kb - "We are know the knights that say icki icki ..."
knight2.wav 70kb - "Oh, had enough eh? Look you stupid bastard you've got not arms left. Yes I have. Look! It's just a flesh wound."
mercy.wav 114kb - The reading from the book of armaments concerning the holy hand grenade.
message.wav 52kb - "Message for you sir."
represed.wav 20kb - "Help, help I'm being repressed."
watrytrt.wav 66kb - "Well you can expect to weld supreme executive power, just because some watery tart threw a sword at you."

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Late date/time page was updated: March 1, 2000
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