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To My Mind and My Philosophy

Welcome to the project. I'm more or less writing my thoughts on topics in this webspace for no apparent reason. Mostly to be read by people, and maybe appreciated. Some of this stuff is really personal, and some of it is maybe common knowledge. I try to be anonymous, but I'm thinking about a bio page. It's an ongoing thing, and is lasting a long time. Will it end? Is it just starting? Either way, this is where I am putting up my thoughts on life, the world, the universe, everything inside, outside, and before and/or after it. So sit back and read a little bit. Maybe you'll find something enlightening, maybe something infuriating, but that's life, is it not? NEWS: Once again, updating and rewriting at random.

Bearing in mind that inciting hatred, defamation, and breeding public discontent are indictable offences since April second, 2001.

Random Bits of Thought:
Making money requires a little debt every now and again.

Last Update (excluding those you wouldn't notice): February 19, 2006.

First opinion: Saskatchewan. Land of us deciding Daylight Savings Time was a bad idea, and not doing it. Ever. (Speaking of sticking it to the rest of the world...)

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