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Anti-Mormon Claims Answered
Volume 1

1. Mormons are a non-Christian cult! Response

2. "The Seer," a Mormon teaching, says that all Protestants and Catholics are the "whore of Babylon." This shows how you feel about other religions. Response

3. Why did Joseph Smith say that ALL churches and their members are corrupt, abominable, and in error? This clearly shows how Mormons feel about Christians. Response

4. Mormons are polytheist and deny the trinity! Response

5. Do Mormons believe God had physical relations with Mary, meaning there was no virgin birth? Response

6. Do Mormons teach that Jesus and Satan are literally brothers? Response

7. Do Mormons think they need to do “works” to be saved? Response

8. Why do ex-Mormons like Ed Decker fight against your Church? Response

9. LDS church critics Jerald and Sandra Tanner say Joseph Smith had a Jupiter Talisman on his person when he was martyred. Response

10. If the Book of Mormon is the "most correct book of any on earth" then why does it not contain all the Mormon doctrines taught today? Response

11. Mormons claim to be the restored church Christ organized as described in
Ephesians 4:11-14. Since Ephesians 4:11 lists evangelists and pastors, where are these "offices" in the LDS Church? Response

12. Since "apostles" in the original Greek language refers simply to a "sent one," does it not make sense to understand this to refer to missionaries, the very ones who, like Paul and Apollos, spread the word concerning Christ throughout the entire known world? Response

13. Ephesians 3:21 says that God would receive glory "in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end"? How does this square with the Mormon teaching that the Church of Jesus Christ disappeared after only a few years? Response

14. Mormons claim the true church must bear the name of Jesus Christ. (Ephesians 5:23) Are official names are involved in saving someone? Biblically, the Church is called the Church of Christ. It is also called the Body of Christ. Does that mean we should make sure the phrase "Body of Christ" is on our letterheads, also? Or is it more consistent to see that the Church as it is expressed universally is the Church of Christ, and the local assembly takes the name that would best describe it - such as the Church at Rome, the Church of the Thessalonians, the Church at Philippi? The Bible nowhere commands us to attach a specific name to our local congregation. Christians are Christians whether they worship in the same building and in the exact same manner or not! Response

15. The LDS Church claims that the true church must have a foundation of Apostles and Prophets. (Ephesians 2:19-20). The text actually says that the church is built on a foundation. It refers to a past action, one that has been completed. How many times does one lay a foundation? If one is continually laying a foundation, how will the house be built? The Mormon Church is still trying to lay a foundation that was laid two thousand years ago! Response

16. The LDS church teaches another gospel like Paul warned about in Galatians 1:6-9. Response

17. Mormons claim the true church must have the same organization as Christ's Church. Ephesians 4:11-14. The organization the Mormon Church has forced upon the Bible is not an accurate understanding of just how the ancient church was organized! Response

18. Why does the Salt Lake Temple have a Pentagram on it? Response

19. The LDS church claims divine authority as found in Hebrews 5:4-10. To claim the things that the Church does for its "priesthood" and yet deny those privileges to women (and blacks for 148 years) is outside Biblical teaching. Response

20. The Mormon’s claim that the true church must have no paid ministry. Isaiah 45:13, 1 Peter 5:2. Paul clearly taught that a minister had the right to pay in return for his work (1 Corinthians 9:1-14). The leadership of the LDS Church in Salt Lake do not live un-rewarded. How does this square with their teaching? Response

21. The LDS church claims that the true church must baptize by immersion. (Matthew 3:13-16) But they claim baptism is for a remission of sins; when Jesus was baptized, was it for remission of sins? Response

22. What are the Hurlbut Testimonials? Did they prove Joseph Smith lacked character? Response

23. E.D. Howe, author of Mormonism Unveiled, wrote to Isaac Hale and traveled to Conneaut Ohio to spot check the authenticity of the Hurlbut statements collected there accusing Smith of plagerism in writing the Book of Mormon. He was satisfied with his findings and printed the their statements. Why is it that the Mormons don't include this information in their rebuttals to the Hurlbut affidavits? Is it because they don't do sufficient research or is it because they don't like the evidence and exclude it? This kind of evidence strongly supports the reliability and accuracy of the eyewitness accounts against the character of Joseph Smith. Response

24. I heard Joseph Smith was a lazy drunk in his early years, how could he be a prophet of God? Response