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Getting Sponsored

It's every skater's dream. Being sponsored. Getting publicity. Getting paid for doing what you love. Getting free clothes and boards. We here at SkaPunkSkate would like to give every skater the oppertunity to get sponsored. Below are some tips that might give you an ice-cream cone's chance in hell of getting sponsored. Enjoy:

Tip 1- Write to skate companies.

Hey, it's worth a shot. That's how Gideon Choi got his start. Send all the major skate companies a letter saying how great you are and how much of a privelage it would be to allow you on their team. Enclose pics. Of you. Most companies' addresses can be found in skating magazines.

Tip 2- Skate in local contests.

It's free publicity. Make sure to do good. There just might be a scout in the crowd. It especially helps if you win it.

Tip 3- Get good.

Get good. Make sure you can land any trick you say you can. Learn ALL the tricks you can. (see " trick tips" for some help. Your should probably be able to land consistantly all the major tricks.

Tip 4-Make a video of yourself.

And send it off. Have a friend, a bro, or even your mom film you hitting everything you can. Make sure to film only the landings. (This might require some editing.) Show 'em your stuff. Maybe they'll like what they see and sign you up.

Getting sponsored shouldn't be your first goal in skating. Go out there, have fun. Do it because you enjoy it.