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Vipa's GaMiNg PaGe

Delta Force Series
Air Attack
Gameplay Toy Gladiators

Date Posted


04/07/01Ok there is another LAN PARTY going down over at Maidenhead lan arena!! If you are interested go and take a look at for more details!! Cya there!
29/06/01Doing some work on my PA pages again!! Adding a news column on my alliance listings, so that news of alliances (wars,naps,etc) can be seen by the rest of the community!!Not much else to report apart froma couple of new pics! L8r
29/06/01Got myself a DoD clan with a couple of m8's names [CrAp]. Cya
24/06/01Soz havent been keeping it up to date that often cos of meh exams :{ Anyway i have made a few changes to my PA pages! Split them in two because the list has become so large! More will be added every week! Cya
29/05/01Couple more clans added to my lists, still working on meh site for you all!! Have also joined CS clan called [=XO=]! Details coming up shortly!!
28/05/01Slowly changing the overall look of the web site, cos I am still learning so bare with me!! I also have exams at the moment, so cant pay that much attention to it, but as soon as they is over i will be back!! :P
6/05/01A huge list of all Planetarion alliances has been added to the NEW Planetarion section of my webby!! So go check it out and keep checking back for further updates, thx.
22/04/01I have added and Air Attack section, which includes squadron listings! There is not much information on the page yet, but I will be updating often! So you should see some more things on it soon. Thx
20/04/01A squadlinks console has been added to the Delta Force Clans page, if you wish your clan to be displayed pls e-mail me with appropriate information! Thx
17/04/01I have updated some things on the Delta Force pages, including the starts of a weapons list along with descriptions! I have also been accepted into the European Elite Commandos (EEC), which is a european DF2/DFLW squad. Visit their site HERE
12/04/01New TFC and CS clan pages are up! The CS clan page hasnt many clans on at the moment, so if you want yours to be up there please e-mail with the name, TAG, web addy and also any useful contact information! If you want to take a look click on the links to CS or TFC at the top of the page!

Check out my different gaming sections by clicking on the links at the top of the page to navigate around! This site is not that old, so....there is not much content but please keep checking back!


We need people to go to the Gameplay Forums and go to Delta Force Series, go there quick! If enuff people go there and start talking, we may be in with a chance of a server on wireplay!! Rock on....

Click HERE

"Look how the moose runs"

Oh dear i've gone a little insane.....

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Look at the little dog run!!

Born on: March 24, 2001

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