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Character List

The Jedi Council

Mace Windu

A senior Jedi on the twelve-member Jedi Council, Mace Windu believed the Sith were exinct. He was also astonished when Qui-gon Jinn recounted the battle with Darth Maul on Tatooine.

Adi Gallia(taken)

The daughter of corellian diplomats on Coruscant, Jedi Master Adi Gallia was the first to warn Chancellor Valorum of the probable invasion of Naboo by the Trade Federation.

Depa Billaba

After her emigrating family was slain by space pirates, the six-month-old Depa Billaba was rescued by Mace Windu. Sensing the infant's strenght in the Force, Mace Windu brought her to Coruscant for training. Now a Jedi Master, Depa Billaba is one of the most recent additions to the council.

Eeth Koth

A Zabrak born in the Violent slums of Nar Shaddaa, Jedi Master Eeth Koth sees something of himself in the scruffy Anakin Skywalker. At the age of four Eeth had also been deeed too old to begin Jedi training, but had the advantage of Zabrak thought control.

Oppo Rancisis

Disavowing his inherited title, Monarch of Thisspias Oppo Rancisis is a cunnibg military stretegist. Oppo devised the tactics that allowed the Jedi to win many space battles.

Even Piell

Steadfastly refusing a prosthectic replacement for the eye he lost in combat against seven terrorists, Jedi Master Even Piell reveals his heritage as a Lannik Warrior. Piell wears the scar as of honor, a reminder that it was he who survived the battle.

Plo Koon

A courageous fighter, Plo Koon comes from a long line of Jedi. Having fought with Qui-gon Jinn in previous conflicts, he hoped Qui-gon would one day join him on the Jedi Council.

Seasee Tiin

Born on the moon Iktotoch, Jedi Master Saesee Tiin augments his Force powers with the natural telepathic ability of Iktotoch. A daring starpilot, he singlehandly disabled three battleships.


Of the same species as Yoda, Jedi Master Yaddle is highly regarded for her wisdom, patience and compassion.

Yareal Poof

An invertebrate native of Quermia, Jedi Master Yareal poof is legendrary for his skills at mind effects. In battle, his dynamic mental conjurings have convinced the most violent enemies to surrender.

Yoda Sitting beside Mace Windu on the Jedi Council, wise Master Yoda was vocal in his opposition to Qui-gon's request to train Anakin as a Jedi Knight. Decades later, Yoda will recall this time as perhaps the most pivotal moment in history of the galaxy.

Jedi Knights And Padawan Learners

Obi-wan Kenobi(taken)

The former apprentice to Qui-gon Jinn, Obi-wan Kenobi tries to teach the ways of the Force to a young apprentice, unaware of what fate is in store for the entire galaxy because of it.

Anakin Skywalker

The former slave was rescued by Qui-gon Jinn. Anakin Skywalker was deemed too old to start training, but after the the battle on Naboo. The council decided to train him. He is now the apprentice of Obi-wan Kenobi.


Senator Palpatine

One of the keenest minds in the Galactic Senate, Senator Palpatine of Naboo has achieved the important distinction of representing an entire sector consisting of hundreds of star systems. As a sectorial senator, Palpatine holds a seat in the Main Senate Chamber on Coruscant, skillfully defending the interests of the systems he represents, including the Naboo people of his homeworld. Palpatine's kind features, delicate manners and calm effectiveness make him one of the most liked and respected members of the Senate.

Senator Lott Dod

The Sanator for the Trade Federation, Lott Dod denied any wrong doing on the the part of Neimoidians on Naboo.