Soupnazi's Favourite Characters Gallery 3

I know, I know. X-Force is a group, not a single character. But let explain. When I first started to read comics and fanfiction, the only thing I'd read was X-Men stuff. (I didn't even like GenX!) But eventually I ended up liking Generation X more than the X-Men. (Well, more than the current lineup anyway). Eventually that like grew to encompass, to a certain extent, X-Factor, X-Force, and Excalibur (mostly Pete Wisdom). With the exception of Cannonball, I don't really like X-Force as individuals, but as a group they are oddly enjoyable. So, I decided to put up the best pictures of them as a group. There.

This is a nice pic. (Of course, I think every picture with Sam in it is nice!) The art's a little wierd though. Their faces are really, I don't know, pinched looking. And Tabitha looks like a boy. This is a recurring theme in many pictures I've seen of her.

Not a very nice picture of Sam, but a very nice one of Theresa. (The redhead. Read the captions)

I absolutely love this picture! It's my favourite of any pics I've seen of any of the X-Groups. Whoever the artist is that drew this deserves major kudos to him/her for their excellent drawing. The clothes are the kinds of stuff teens would wear, and check out the realistic facial expressions. (Just look at Sam's face!) Also, make sure to read the words, because it's actually pretty funny. If this is what X-Force is like now, I gotta start reading it!

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