Soupnazis Diary

You know, I've always wanted to keep a diary, but I'm just too lazy. So, I thought that this would be a good way to talk about anything I want- from ranting to retelling. I can get something off my chest, or get mad at someone, while at the same time feeling that I've contributing to this site. Very cool.

November 9, 2000

Well, it's been over a month since last time! And what a crappy month it was. I'm basically just further stressed out, because my teachers have decided to kill all of the grads. Maybe it's to save money, or they don't like kids or something. Anyways, I've just had a buttload of homework lately, hance the extreme lack of updates. So, I just finished writing my first semester mid-terms. I started off with a deliciously difficult math exam, followed by the dumbest french exam ever, a little chemistry, and topped it all off with a three hour biology exam. I know things will only get worse next year, but I'm whiny and tired and sick so don't piss me off. Well, let's see, what have I done lately? I went to a Halloween dance last week, and let me tell you, fishnets a re uncomfortable. I studied a little, made some fascinating flipbooks on mitosis and meiosis. Yes, it's been quite a ride my friends. I've also been getting an average of 5½ hours of sleep a night, through no fault of my own (okay, so it's all my fault) which is why this is a little incoherent. Well, it's time to go. Bye bye.

October 8, 2000

Wow, it's been awhile since my last entry. Well, I started school in September, and it's been really really crazy. Whoever said that grade 12 was easier than grade 11 obviously dropped out after grade 11. I'm super stressed and busy, which is why the updates have been so scarce. My teachers are piling the work on, I have an average of two tests a week, and many projects due. And it's only the second month. Whew. I don't think I can take university. Wanna hear something real fun? I have Biology and Chemistry in the afternoon, and my first two tests in these classes have been on the same day. Ugh. Sorry about dumping on everyone, but I'm really stressed. So, what else has happened lately? I got my grad photos taken, and I hate 'em. Really hate them. They're awful. A good friend of mine was voted valedictorian (we vote on it). Oh, I saw the X-Men movie at the end of August, and it was great! Even my friend who doesn't even know who the X-Men are loved it. That's all for now. Bye.

August 23, 2000

Well, I just wayched the final Survivor, and let me tell you, I'm pretty damn disappointed. Out of all the people there, Rich was the person I wanted to win the least. It just goes to show you, being slimy and conniving and backstabbing really does get you ahead. (That was sarcasm.) Obviously I'm not happy with the results, but really I didn't want any of the final four to win. Well, I have to go. This was a short entry. Sorry. Goodbye. P.S - Greg rules. Don't even bother trying to contradict me on that.

July 28, 2000

Hullo luvs, bloody nice day out! As you can see, I'm in a jolly good English mood to-day. Tea anyone? Crumpets? Okay, okay, I'm done. So, I finally got a job. Woohoo. I didn't have to apply or get interviewed or meet the manager/owner or anything. I just came in and worked. It's just some stupid little over-priced ice cream shoppe. I get to scoop ice cream, make sundaes, weigh fudge, and mop. Boy, do I get to mop. Hell yes. Well, I guess that's everything. Bye.

July 18, 2000

Hey there people, how are you? I am fine. Sooo, my summer has been pretty fun, albeit uneventful. Don't have a job (unless you count babysitting, which you should!) but I keep busy. Sort of. Tonight I went out with my friends, saw Scary Movie. It was pretty funny, although sometimes (many times) it went overboard. Then we cruised around, went to the carnival, and got free doughnuts because by 11:30 pm they had already counted the rest of the doughnuts as waste. Now we know when to go there I guess. Welll, that's all for tonight. Gotta get some sleep. Bye.

June 29, 2000

Hello! My first entry of the new millennium. I'm in a great mood, because I got my finals back yesterday, and I did very well. Well, I'm here to explain what happened at the site: The night after Christmas prom, our computer just crashed. Everything was wiped out, we had no computer essentially. This really sucked, because I ended up writing out three 1000 word essays by hand (one in french, no less.) Anyway, the computer was sent in for repairs, which took a couple of months, then when we got it back, couldn't get the Internet for another couple of months. Then I got busy, and here we are. Well, life has been good lately. My prom was a blast, 8 girls all together, we stayed out until 2 am. (This is Christmas prom. Someone asked in the guestbook.) The prom party was fun but crowded, and got broken up by the cops and the guy's parents within a half hour. Too bad. Well, that's all for now. Bye.

November 24, 1999

Well, here I am. It's been a while, hasn't it? Sorry bout the lack of updates, but my Internet hasn't been working at all since Saturday. Hmmm, what have I been doing lately? Let me see...weelll, I shopped for Christmas prom some more, babysat a few times, finished my school project with the video, and did a lot of homework. I've been writing poetry lately for English, and I hate poetry! I just can't write it. Ugh. This is one short entry. Anyhoo, I'm gonna try to do an update before this weekend, if our connection holds up. Byee.

November 16, 1999

Wow, I've been really lazy lately! I've been trying to help Newt with his new site, but he is as lazy with that as he is with our page. he's actually having second thoughts about doing it. After all my work too. Hmph. Well, I've been kinda busy lately, not that busy, but kinda. I just got back from shopping for the Christmas prom, cause I just decided this weekend to go. It might be fun, especially with all my friends also going dateless. It's not because I'm a loser or really ugly or something (at least I hope I'm not) there's just really a lot more girls than guys in our school, and I'm not too aggressive when it comes to dating. Ah well. I have a very nice silver skirt and all I need is a top and some shoes. I'm so excited!! I get to have my hair done and everything! Well, ta-ta for now.

November 12, 1999

Well, exams are all over. I don't know how good I did (not great I suspect) but at least they're over, right? It's lunchtime, I'm done of school for the weekend, and I'm bored out of my mind. I have nothing to do until tonight, I'm very very bored. Did I mention I'm bored? Newt's not around, so I can't write that new section I wanted to do, but I still wanna update. I have nothing to update though. Ugh. Oh well, I'll think of something. Have a good weekend, although I'll probably update sometime coming up. You know what? I just read a review of the latest GenX comic (I don't have it), and it seems Monet might be leaving the academy! How crappy, I mean she is our main character girl. I guess it really doesn't affect us too too much, since Newt likes her more than me and I do all the updates. I'm done, bye bye.

November 10, 1999

Well. I know I said that I wouldn't update 'til the end of exams, but hey, I lied. Actually, I had some free time due to Rememberance day, and I needed to vent and procrastinate from memorizing the most common monoatomic and polyatomic ions for chem. I hate exams. I had the worst morning today, I was sick and very tired and ended up leaving three questions on my geometry exam blank cause I had never even heard of the words the teach was using. Very frustrating. I have to work on my French project after school on Friday until 7, when I have to work the local craft fair for band. It really sucks. I have to go there for 2 and a half hours with a partner, walk around to all the booths and ask people if they want anything to eat or drink. Then the people get all mad and tell us not to bother them, not realizing that we're doing this for band fundraising. They actually think we just do it to get money for ourselves, even though we're wearing our incredibly hot and uncomfortable band uniforms. Ugh. Well, thanks for lis--uhh reading about my problems, as trivial as they may seem. Well, bye bye for now.

November 7, 1999

Hi, sup? Sorry about the lack of updates, but I've been busy and Newt, well you know Newt. I had to write in here cause I have exams all this week and won't be on the net at all. So, I really have nothing to write. Darn. I did a bottle drive this Saturday for my band. People really appreciated us coming to their houses at 9 in the morning. Oh yeah. And I was so cheerful, having stayed up until 2 the night before. Why? I'm an idiot. I just this weekend, for the very first time, saw Romeo and Juliet (the reccent one) and I'm obsessed with it, completely obsessed. I watched it about three times, and my favourite part, the start when the people have the fight at the gas station, about 10. I wasted a lot of time at the official website, and made a background (a very nice one too) for my comp. I love this movie. If you haven't seen it yet, do. Immediately. Well, that's about it everyone. Adieu, parting is such sweet sorrow.

November 3, 1999

Well hellooo! My first entry of November, I'm getting all misty and stuff. So, I've got exams next week, I haven't started studying yet, and I'm freakin'. Freakin' real good. Aaauuggghhhh!!!! Well now I feel better. Not really,but hey, what are ya gonna do about it? Don't say study, or I'll reach out through the Internet and strangle the life out of you. Seriously. I really feel like updating a lot, but I have nothing to put up, and I really should start studying. I have a doctorate in Procrastination 101. What should I do for this site? Please give me suggestions, I'm tapped out. Newt won't do anything on his own, I'm considering killing him too, and hiding the body. 'S not like he'd be missed, at least not for a while, especially not on this site. I should rename this page Soupnazi's Rants page. Sorry.

October 29, 1999

I'ts been a long time since my last entry. I've really done nothing interesting this month at all, but I felt really guilty about not having an update for this weekend. See what you people do to me? Anyway, I've had a lot of homework, midterms are next week, and we had our day when all the universities and colleges in our area drop by to give us info and answer questions. Needless to say, I'm just a little stressed. Don't expect too many updates from me coming up. Which means no updates at all, cause Newt is real slack. Halloween is tomorrow (not technically, but most places moved it to Saturday. I have no plans other than sitting home and passing out candy, but not too many people come out here. Well, that's about it.

October 22, 1999

I know I've been pretty slack lately, but hey whose site is this anyway? Quit yer complainin'. Actually, nothing's been happening in my life that's noteworthy, but I'll write anyway. Does anyone actually read this page? Sooo, I've spent the last week composing an essay for English class. It's about anything you want, and I chose why I play the french horn. I think I can fake my way through 700 words on that. In French class, we read this book about a girl who goes to Canada in the 1670's and lives in a cabin in the woods, gets married, gets pregnant, fights the Iroquois, and all before her 19th birthday. You have to make a movie about the end of the book, that is invent your own end. Making movies is a big thing in our class, and most everyone is pretty excited. We're starting filming tomorrow. It's going to be really funny if it turns out. Newt has a part as the son in the video. Anyway, we have Jeanne (the main character) and her family being attacked by Iroquois, and chased into the woods, where it becomes a Blair Witch parody, with the drak and running and screaming, and then the close up a a girl's face. When they stop running the little boy will start yelling at the mom, and we'll use a Taboo buzzer to bleep him out. Then, after being attacked by a bear, they fall into a river, where they stay frozen for 300 years, and wake up in the 70's. They'll meet a hippie and a disco freak, and some stuff will happen. We haven't quite worked out the middle or ending yet, but it'll come. I have to go now. No I don't, but I have nothing left to say. Cheerio.

October 16, 1999

Hey there. I know I didn't write yesterday, but deal with it. No really, I didn't do anything, and just didn't feel like it. Today is a different story. I babysat for 5 hours for a young couple with two choldres, both very young, and a friend of the little girl. The baby was very fussy, and when I tried to feed her she wailed and shrieked. Meanwhile I boiled her food in the microwave. While this was going on, the little boy who was the friend of the other girl got into some paints and decided to paint the wall, curtains, and himself. I had to give him a bath while he tried not to let me scrub the paint off him. Oy. Anyway, I'm writing more of the second part of the fic, which is hard because I keep coming up with ideas for the fic that follows it. See yas later.

October 14, 1999

What a run! Do you realize I've written in this every day since starting this section. I once tried to keep a diary, and I didn't last 3 days. Well, today I had no school, so I stayed up the night before until 1 am (as is my weekend custom), and slept in until 12 pm (which is also part of the custom.) Then, I watched soaps until approximately 5 pm, and went on the computer for a couple of hours until I had to get ready for a birthday party. Since I obviously didn't have time to get a gift, given my busy schedule, I spent two hours fabricating a card with construction paper. Just like grade 1. I downloaded a pic of Dawson (from the creek), put it on printmaster gold, added a birthday hat and present, and stuck it in the card so it popped out when it was opened. The party itself was a blast: it was 8 girls eating waayyy too much sugar, reading mags, watching TV, and gossiping about other people. I'm really tired now, so this is the end. More tomorrow folks.

October 13, 1999

I had such an easy day, once again. We did nothing in any of our classes, and it was really boring. But still easy. Anyway, I'm just updating here because we have nothing to put on the site tonight. I babysat for a couple of hours, and I didn't have time to whip up anything funny since I got back. I'm planning to start the second part of my fanfic tomorrow, but it probably won't be up for a while, since I also have that english essay due and I still don't have a subject. Bummer. I'm such a procrastinator that I always write essays, even the big 1000 word ones, the night before they're due. it's like I can't work unless I'm under pressure. It's the same way with exams, cause I never study until the night before. That's really not good. I'm ffeling kinda sick from eating too much, so I'm gonna wrap this up now. I'll be writing more tomorrow, because even if noone ever reads this page I like adding to it. It gives me something to update every night. (we update way too much. Our site's only been up for like 2 months, and I've been updating almost every day, sometimes more than once per night. I'm running out of ideas!)

October 12, 1999

Hello. What a wonderful day! Okay, so it was cold as Hell (I know Hell is very very warm, but in this case I'm using it as an adjective, I think.) Anyway, today went really fast, even though almost all my friends went to some thingy I don't wanna get into. Anyways, my morning was so easy: In Eglish normally my hardest class, we went to the computer lab and sent e-mail back and forth to each other. (I kept sending people messages that said I know what you did last summer. I know, it's not very funny, but I enjoy it.) Then we relaxed in French while the teacher read to us. Just like kindergarten! My geometry class was so unbelievably fast. I didn't look at the clock once the whole time, and the bell scared the bejeebers out of me. Anyway, only one more day left until my four day weekend! Woohoo! I'm planning on writing part 2 of my fic, adding some more here, and maybe putting up another page of my favourite characters gallery. However, I also have to write an essay about anything pretty much, except he kinds gave us categories. (That didn't make much sense.) I decided to go with explaining a talent, but I can't pick a talent to write about. It also has to be 700 words, with in text quotations from various sources. Goody. Well, that's all for now, but I update this almost every day, and I probably will tomorrow. See ya!

October 11, 1999

Hi ya'll. I wanted to make a little update today, but since I really didn't do anything today (day off!) there's not much to write about. Last night I started working on a fanfic that I started a couple of weeks ago. I think I'm over my writer's block, since I wrote about 2000 words on it Between last night and tonight. It's so much longer than it was supposed to be. I have problems writing short anythings. (you should see my summaries. They suck.) Anyway, it should be up by the end of the week at the rate I'm going. Besides, I don't have school on Thursday or Friday, so that should give me lots of time :) This story leads directly into another story, which will spawn a whole family of related stories. So, even though I'm not a very good writer, I'll probably, along with Newt, have quite a few stories up in the next few months, homework permitting. By the way: if any of you read our first fanfic, please send some comments. I added our e-mail addys on the fanfic page, so it's not hard. Well, by for now.

October 10, 1999

Hi. We just finished our Thanksgiving dinner, even though Thanksgiving is tomorrow. We didn't even have turkey. I guess it's cause ham was on sale, but still. I LIKE TURKEY. I didn't really do anything interesting today. I usually just laze around on the weekends, with the occasional babysitting job on the side. Although I did have an interesting dream involving me using a gun. Maybe on people, I don't remember. I have very violent dreams. It's gotta be all the TV I watch, it's corrupting my brain. Oh well.

October 9, 1999

I just got back from babysitting for a messy little baby and a cranky 4-year old. The baby kept putting her feet in her mouth after every mouthful of corn poridge type goo, and it was disgusting. This is why I don't want kids. The other girl was fine until bedtime. We were in her basement (which is awesome, to say the least. They have a bathroom, guest bedroom, bar, projector television, pool table, and a hot tub down there! Not to mention a CD player with about 30 CDs.) We were listening to Spice Girls and making boats out of couch cushions, while holding those little paper umbrellas that you put in drinks and that really open, and singing into plastic parrot drink stirrers. Then, all of a sudden when I said bedtime, she started to cry. No wait, I should have said wail. But the funny part was, there were no tears. This is also why I don't want children. Anyway, that's all I have to say, because other than babysitting my day pretty much consisted of sitting around in my PJs and watching such educational fare as Hang Time, Recess, and Xena: Warrior Princess. (Isn't Gabriel a skank? Her little backless boob top and miniskirt aren't exactly practical battle attire, not to mention historically accurate.) That's all for today folks. Byeee.

October 8, 1999

Hey there. I had a really weird dream last week, and I’ve just been itching to tell someone. None of my friends are into Buffy the Vampire Slayer, so when I tried to tell them they weren’t interested. Nice huh? Anyway, this dream involved me and some characters from the show. This isn’t the first dream I had concerning the show; once I dreamed I was a slayer who had to protect my family and friends from vampires. The dream was basically me kicking some undead butt. I woke up very tired. My more recent dream was a lot more interesting: I was watching a Horror movie with my dad that we had rented. We popped it in the VCR, and suddenly I was in the movie. There was me, a blond girl, a dark-haired guy, an African American, and Buffy. We were hiding behind a hill outside a wood cabin next to a bunch of trees, staking out (get it?) Angel and a bunch of vampires, who were luring people into the house and killing them. The funny part was, they were luring them by posing as real estate agents!?! I don’t get it either. Anyway, we wanted to grab some people to take their coats as disguises, so we could sneak in. I grabbed a lady and pulled her over the hill, but she fell and died, so I covered her with leaves. We walked towards the house, but the vamps jumped out and started chasing us. Buffy disappeared, and the dark-haired guy got killed. Then I got killed, so all of the sudden I was the blond girl. Angel started to cry, saying he was sad about the killing and stuff, and the African American went over and gave him a hug. Angel bit him, and then there was one. Me. I ran into the woods, and for some reason I was now a mutant with fire powers (à la Human Torch), but I couldn’t use them. Just as a vamp was about to kill me, Buffy flew in on a giant metal dragon, and it breathed fire on the vamp and fried it. She pulled me up with her, and we flew away. Then dad popped the movie out of the VCR, and I woke up. Whew that was long. You still with me? Can anybody tell me what this means? Does it even mean anything? Did you honestly read that whole thing? Are you still reading this? I bet not. I could write anything, and you wouldn’t know, because you’re not reading this. Toodle loodle. Hibbity Jibbity. I feel like chicken tonight, like chicken tonight, chicken tonight! Oh, you are still reading this. Sorry. I should really get some sleep. Or some medication.

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